Brainstorming on Challenges in Mechanization of Onion and Garlic
ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research (DOGR), Rajgurunagar, Pune in collaboration with Indian Society of Alliums (ISA), Pune and National Horticultural Research & Development Foundation (NHRDF), Nashik organized a one-day brainstorming session on “Challenges in Mechanization of Onion and Garlic in India” on December 02, 2017 at ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune to discuss the scope and challenges in onion and garlic cultivation and develop strategy and plan for better mechanization.
Dr. K. E. Lawande, Ex-Vice Chancellor, Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli & Ex-Director, ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune was the Chief Guest and Dr. T. Jankiram, ADG, Horticulture Science was the Guest of Honour. Dr. Lakhan Singh, Director, ATARI, Pune, Dr. S. L. Jadhav, Director, NHM and Agricultural Extension, Mr. D. M. Sable, Director, MSAMB, Mumbai were special invitees for the programme. Beside them, the dignitaries Dr. P. K. Gupta, Director, NHRDF, Dr. Senthil Kumaran, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru, Dr. P. S. Tiwari, ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal, Dr. M. N. Bhalekar, MPKV, Rahuri, Dr. Prashant Shete, KVK, Narayangaon, Dr. R. M. Patil, KVK, Nandurbar, researchers, manufacturers, entrepreneurs and farmers were participated in the programme and exchanged their views and experiences.
Dr. Major Singh, Director, ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune welcomed the dignitaries and briefed about the ICAR-DOGR achievements and objectives behind organizing the brainstorming session. Dr. Lakhan Singh, Director, ATARI, Pune expressed that the need based mechanization would help the farmers to double their income. He further stated that the best skill oriented latest technology should be provided to the KVKs for its further dissemination to farmers. Dr. S. L. Jadhav, Director, NHM & Agricultural Extension emphasized on transfer of technology from progressive farmers to other farmers of their particular villages. He urged researchers to develop technologies basically to solve seed shortage problem in garlic. He asked farmers to establish Farmers’ Producer Companies for quality seed production and sale. Mr. D. M. Sable stressed on mechanization to minimize the cost incurred on labourers.
Dr. T. Jankiram appreciated ICAR-DOGR for taking initiatives to organize the brainstorming on challenges in mechanization of onion and garlic. He described Maharashtra as a horticultural hub and praised ICAR-DOGR for its notable contribution in tremendous enhancement of production of onion and garlic in India. He also appreciated the Directorate for taking enormous efforts in improving socio-economic status of tribal farmers of Nandurbar district of Maharashtra. He emphasized on promotion of mechanization technologies to decrease post-harvest losses. He further stated that the machineries developed by different manufacturers should have low maintenance.
Dr. K. E. Lawande mentioned the machineries required in onion and garlic such as tractor mounted bed maker, drip lateral spreader, onion seedling transplanter, pneumatic seed drill, motorized onion grader, garlic breaker, garlic grader, garlic clove precision planter, onion planter, tractor mounted sprayer/duster, combine harvester, onion seed harvester and thresher. Dr. Lawande stated the need of formation of group of farmers to adopt direct seeding technology. The booklet on “Mechanization of Onion and Garlic Cultivation-Way Forward” was released on this occasion.
The live demonstrations carried out at ICAR-DOGR farm by the different manufacturing agencies were shown to the participants. Dr. Senthil Kumaran, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru, Dr. P. S. Tiwari, ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal, Dr. M. N. Bhalekar, MPKV, Rahuri made their presentations in technical session. There were presentations from several industries such as Rohit Engineering Works, Pune, Infotech Pvt. Ltd., Pune, John Deere India Pvt. Ltd., National Agro Industries, Punjab and Idea Forge Technology Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. The brainstorming session created awareness on various issues related to mechanization in onion and garlic crops. Plenary remarks were made by Dr. K. E. Lawande and Dr. Major Singh. The programme ended with vote of thanks expressed by Dr. Vijay Mahajan, Principal Scientist, ICAR-DOGR.