TSP Training on Scientific Cultivation of Onion and Garlic
A training programme on “Scientific cultivation of onion and garlic” for tribal farmers of Nandurbar was organized by ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune in collaboration with KVK, Nandurbar on 9th May, 2019 to promote entrepreneurship and improve the livelihood in tribal farmers. About 95 tribal farmers from different parts of Nandurbar attended the programme. Training was organized at Khadwara Office of KVK, Nandurbar. The beneficiaries under TSP were supplied agro-inputs which include fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, weedicides, better protected knapsack sprayer etc. The training programme was coordinated by Dr. A.J. Gupta, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) & Nodal Officer (TSP) and Dr. R.Y. Vishwanath, Scientist (Seed Sci. & Tech.) Co-coordinated the training programme. Mr. Umakant Patil, Seed Certification Officer, Nandurbar and Mr. J.S. Gavit, AFO, Mahabeej, Nandurbar grace the occasion and gave his valuable suggestions to the tribal farmers. Dr. A.J. Gupta highlighted the TSP activities and its impact in Nandurbar. He delivered lectures on raising of onion nursery and scientific cultivation of onion and garlic. Dr. R.Y. Vishwanath delivered lecture on quality seed production of onion. Shri R.M. Patil, SMS (Hort.), KVK, Nandurbar highlighted the livelihood development of tribal farmers with the help of TSP implemented by ICAR-DOGR in Nandurbar. Sixty-three demonstrations on onion and garlic production and quality seed production of onion during rabi 2018-19 have been successfully conducted and farmers expressed their happiness. Most of the tribal farmers are now cultivating onion and garlic at commercial level and have initiated selling of farm produce through two Farmers’ Producer Companies established in Navapur taluka of Nandurbar.