ICAR-DOGR organized health camp for women staff
ICAR-DOGR in collaboration with Rural Hospital Chandoli, Dist. Pune organized health camp for women working in the organization on 26th March 2019. The programme was chaired by Dr. Major Singh, Director, ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar. He addressed to all women staff and emphasized on the importance of health in our day-to-day life activity. He also emphasized on the role of women’s for building an institution as well as the Nation. Mrs. Ashwini Benke, Scientist (Genetics and plant breeding) & Member Secretary, Women Cell and Mrs. Vijaya Bhumkar, AFAO, coordinated this camp with the staff of Government Rural Hospital, Chandoli.Dr.Geeta Kulkarni, Medical Superintendent of hospital deputed a team of doctors, lab technician, and attendants to execute the check-ups at ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar. As many as 68 women were checked under this free check-up camp.
Dr. Neha, Dentist stressed upon teeth care to avoid infectious diseases as well as aware of tongue cancer. Laboratory head technician explained the importance of different blood tests and other checkups especially breast cancer, ovary cancer etc. to create awareness among women. The women were checked for their hemoglobin count, HIV test and mouth cancer including other related dental problems.The vote of thanks was expressed by Mrs. Ashwini Benke.