ICAR-DOGR conducted training on ‘Suraksha Hamesha’ - safety measures while spraying of agro-chemicals
ICAR-DOGR has organized a training programme in collaboration with BASF India Pvt. Ltd and RAWE students, College of Agriculture, Malegoan entitled “Surksha Hamesha” training for spray men and farm worker” in online mode. Dr Rajiv Kale, Scientist, ICAR-DOGR has welcomed all participants and briefed about training. Dr. Chaitanya Tekale, Crop Development, Specialist- Crop Protection BASF India Pvt. Ltd has delivered a presentation on “Surksha Hamesha- safety measures taken during spraying chemicals (herbicides, pesticides and insecticides)”. The director Dr. Major Singh provided his remarks on safety handling of agro-chemicals also discussed consequences of mishandling of chemicals by farm workers. Vote of thanks was expressed by Mrs. Ashwini Prashant Benke, Scientist and in-charge ITMU, ICAR-DOGR. The programme was coordinated by Mrs. Ashwini Prashant Benke, Scientist and in-charge ITMU and Dr. Rajiv Kale, Scientist, Agricultural Extension. A total of hundred participants comprising ICAR-DOGR technical and supporting staff and farm men, RAVE students and Farmers attended the programme