ICAR-DOGR celebrated International Women’s Day 2021
The Women Cell of ICAR-DOGR has organized International Women’s day 2021 with the ICAR theme “Women leadership in Agriculture: Entrepreneurship, Equity, and Empowerment” in the conference hall, ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar on Monday, March 8, 2021.
During the first part of the program, all ICAR-DOGR staff along with students and YP/SRF and RA attended the virtual program arranged by ICAR Headquarters. In the second session of the program Ashwini Benke, chairmen of women cell, ICAR-DOGR welcomed all the participants and briefed them about the history of the International women’s day celebration. Later on Dr. Major Singh, Dr. AmarJeet Gupta Dr. Chaudhari, and Mrs. Ashwini Benke felicitated five women farmers identified under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP), Bhimashankar, Tal Ambegaon, and Dist. Pune for their distinct work in farming and improving the social status of their own family. The farmer lady Mrs. Bhimabai Lohkare expressed her thought on adopting the techniques of poultry farming and initiates small-scale business for a group of ladies.
This program was chaired by Dr. Major Singh, Director who spoke on the History of Women’s days and the need for gender equality, empowerment of women. Dr. V. Mahajan, Prin. Scientists (Hort.) spoke on the need for freedom for women at the workplace. Dr. AmarJeet Gupta, Prin. Scientists (Hort.) described success stories on “Women in agriculture: role in the improvement of livelihood of the family”. The vote of thanks presented by Dr. Bhushan Bibave, Scientist (APSE).
Overall 80 participants attended the program. The arrangement of the program was made in such a way that gathering can awaken and sensitize Women’s Equality and uniqueness rather than gender biases.
All required safety measures need to be taken during public gatherings was followed.