ICAR-DOGR organised collaborative online training programme with MANAGE Hyderabad
During the COVID-19 lock-down, when there is restriction on organizing physical on campus training, ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar and MANAGE, Hyderabad took opportunity to collaborate and organize a five-days online training programme on ‘Strengthening Farmer Participatory Value Chain Management in Onion and Garlic during 3-7 May 2021.
The programme was inaugurated in presence of chief guest Dr. P Chandrashekhar, Director General, MANAGE, Hyderabad. Dr Rajiv Kale, Course Director welcomed all the participants and guest for the programme. Dr. Shalendra, Dy. Director MANAGE, Hydearbad, briefed about the training programme. Dr. Major Singh, Director, ICAR- DOGR briefed about the issues in onion as well as garlic and technological options available for the betterment of onion and garlic growers. He told that it is the apt time to have such programme so that the extension functionaries can be knowledge source for dissemination of information in coming season. Strengthening farmer participatory value chain is highly required to reduce the price fluctuation in Onion, he added.
Chief Guest, Dr. P Chandrashekhar Director General, MANAGE, Hyderabad appreciated the response from the participants and assured for more collaborative programme with ICAR-DOGR, Pune. He stressed on the strengthening the farmer producer organisations (FPOs) to create strong farmer participatory value chain of onion and garlic. MANAGE has started FPO academy for capacity building of the FPOs, he mentioned.
The programme was aimed to sensitize the participants about the technologies and ways to strengthen value chain of onion and garlic crops. The programme was attended by 65 participants from 13 states including scientists, extension personnels and faculty of State Agricultural Universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), Govt. Agriculture and horticulture departments and NGOs. The participants were trained on different aspects of the Value Chain Management, establishment, Functioning and models of Farmer Producer Organization based value chain, improved technologies of Onion and Garlic. Dr. Soumia P S, Scientist, proposed Vote of Thanks.