A training cum workshop on improved onion practices was organized jointly by ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune and Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Agricultural Development Trust,Baramati on 14th Oct. 2021 under Scheduled Cast Sub Plan (SCSP). Hon'ble MLA of Jamkhed, Rohit Pawar, Hon'ble Shri Rajendra Pawar Chairman, Agricultural Development Trust, Baramati, Hon'ble. Dr. Major Singh, Director, Directorate of Onion and Garlic Researh, Rajgurunagar, Pune, Dr. Rajiv Kale, Scientist, Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune, Staff of the KVK Baramati and 100 farmers from Karjat and Jamkhed talukas were participated in the workshop. On this occasion, seeds of Bhima Shakti variety of onion, fertilizers, weedicides, fungicides, insecticides, as well as etc., distributed to 50 Scheduled Caste farmers from Gurav pimpri villageof karjat taluka of Ahmednagar district under Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan.MLA Sh. Rohit Pawarji, in his address, stressed on ‘Bij se Bazar’ concept to develop a supply chain of onion from seed to market which helps to double the income of the farmers. He appealed to farmers to adopt the improved technologies recommended by the ICAR-DOGR. He also appreciated the improvement in the yield of the onion growers who have cultivated the Bhima Shakti and Bhima kiran varieties during the last year. Hon'ble Rajendra Pawar told to the farmers to produce seeds of the Bhima Shakti and Bhima Kiran varieties to which are performing better than local varieties and having better storability. He stressed on the ‘One villageOne variety’ concept for the seed production. Dr. Major Singh, appreciated the feedback received from the farmers regarding improvement in yield and storability of onion due to adoption of Bhima Shakti and Bhima Kiran Varieties. He urged to the farmers for adoption of improved onion production technologies recommended by the ICAR-DOGR. He assured the technological backstopping for extension of improved package of practices to the farmers under SCSP Scheme. Dr. Rajiv Kale, guided farmers on improved onion cultivation practices, integrated disease and pest management, nutrient management. The beneficiary farmers of previous years shared their success in terms of high yield, high storability through adoption of improved variety and cultivation practices. He programme was compared by Dr. Vivek Bhoite, Scientist, KVK, Baramati.