Organized Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan and Training under TSP
Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan and one day training programme on ‘Nursery management in onion and commercial cultivation of onion and garlic’ for tribal farmers of Nandurbar was organised by ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune in collaboration with KVK, Nandurbar on 26th Oct, 2018. After successful implementation of KKA-Phase I in Nandurbar district, KKA-Phase II has been launched from 2nd of Oct to 25th Dec 2018. The detailed schedule of 24 training programmes under KKA-II to be implemented in Nandurbar were made by KVK, Nandurbar to achieve doubling farmers’ income by 2022. In this direction, this training was organized in Palashi village of Nandurbar on 26th Oct, 2018 to fulfil the mandate and about 52 farmers were participated. Till date 5 training programmes have been conducted by KVK, Nandurbar in collaboration with different government organizations for implementation of Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan-II and fulfil the farmer’s requirements. Mr. Rajendra Dahtonde, Incharge, KVK formally welcomed the participants and elaborated the theme of the training programme and briefed about the KVK-II activities to farmers. Shri Mohan Ramole, Deputy Director, Dept. of Agriculture, Nandurbar; Shri Ashish Kumar Sable, Senior Technical Assistant, DCD; Subject Matter Specialists from KVK, Nandurbar and other dignitaries graced the occasion. Dr. A.J. Gupta, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) & Nodal Officer (TSP), briefed about the activities of under TSP and benefits gain by the farmers from this scheme. He also spoke about impact of TSP on livelihood of tribal farmers. In this programme, various experts guided farmers to fulfil livelihood requirement in integrated manner. One day training programme was also organized at Khandwara office of KVK on 26th Oct, 2018 and about 72 farmers attended the programme. The training was aimed for creating awareness among the farmers about cultivation of onion and garlic in tribal belts of Nandurbar. Dr. A.J. Gupta, Pr. Scientist (Hort.) & Nodal Officer (TSP) coordinated the training programme. Dr. Gupta explained about TSP activities for livelihood development of tribal farmers and delivered a lecture on commercial cultivation of onion and garlic. Dr. A.R. Wakhare delivered a lecture on nursery management in onion. Inputs including garlic bulbs of Bhima Omkar and Bhima Purple; and onion seed of Bhima Light Red and Bhima Shakti were distributed to the tribal farmers under TSP. Demonstrations on onion variety ‘Bhima Dark Red’ planted during kharif were monitored and farmers expressed their happiness.