A diagnostic field visit in onion was conducted in a 45 days old late-kharif onion crop at a farmer’s field, Saurangadh, Peth Village, Ambegaon Taluk of Pune District on 16 Dec. 2021. Team identified the pest, onion thrips and disease, anthracnose (twister disease) infestation. Foliar spray of insecticide Fipronil 5% SC @ 1.0 ml/lit advised for the control of onion thrips and fungicide, Mancozeb 75% WP @ 2.5 g/lit along with judicious use of nitrogen fertilizer, and water management are advised to manage the anthracnose disease. This diagnostic visit was attended by ICAR-DOGR entomologist Dr Karuppaiah V along with Shri H.S. Gawali, Senior Technician. During the visit all the packages of practices including IPM strategies, raised bed cultivation, drip & fertigation, and varieties developed by ICAR-DOGR for onion production were explained to the grower for making onion cultivation remunerative.