ICAR-Directorate of Onion & Garlic Research (DOGR), Pune isa well accomplished institute which focuses on merging innovation with entrepreneurship in Agriculture. ICAR-DOGR is delighted to invite applications for enrolling in Agri-Business Incubation programme 2020-21. Entrepreneurs (Indian citizens) having an innovative business idea in Agri and allied sectors specifically in Onion & Garlic crop can apply by filling the registration form as given in the link below. Detailed information about the programme is given in the brochure. ICAR-DOGR would like to extend support to prospective entrepreneurs by providing technical assistance, consultancy, infrastructure facility, guidance and training for sustainable business establishment.
Note : Prepared Single pdf (only) of all documents with applications form. Application should be in single pdf along with application form and documents and send single pdf at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Note : Prepared Single pdf (only) of all documents with applications form. Application should be in single pdf along with application form and documents and send single pdf at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Result of interview for post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under DBTNPAD&C
Result of interview for post of Young Professional Y-II (Post Code 1) under AINRPOG project
The 23nd Research Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting of ICAR-DOGR was held hybrid mode on 20/02/2022 under the Chairmanship of Dr. H.P. Singh, Ex-Deputy Director General (Horticulture), ICAR, New Delhi. The members participated in the meeting were, Dr. SK Dash, Ex-Dean, College of Agricultural Engineering, OUAT, Bhubaneswar; Dr. AS Dhatt, Professor & ADR, PAU, Ludhiana; Dr. AB Rai, Ex-Head, Crop Protection, IIVR, Varanasi; Dr. AN Ganeshmurthy, Ex-Head, NRM, IIHR, Bengaluru; Dr. Kaushik Banerjee, Principal Scientist, NRC Grapes Pune; Dr. Vikramaditya Pandey, Asst. Director General (HS-I), ICAR-New Delhi, twoNon-Official members, Navnath Pawar, and Mr Ashok Allapur. At the outset, Dr. Major Singh, Director, ICAR-DOGR, welcomed the Chairman and members of RAC and highlighted the achievements made by the institute. After opening remarks by the Chairman and the members, Member Secretary RAC Dr. Suresh J. Gawande presented the Action Taken Report (ATR) of the previous RAC recommendations, and the same was approved by RAC. This was followed by the presentations of progress reports by the scientists of the research projects during the reporting period. The Chairman and members of the RAC critically reviewed the progress report and discussed the results in detail. The chairman and the members of the RAC expressed their satisfaction with the progress made by ICAR-DOGR. They gave pragmatic suggestions to improve the research programs of the ICAR-DOGR. The meeting was ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. V. Mahajan, Principal Scientist, ICAR-DOGR.