ICAR-Directorate of Onion & Garlic Research (DOGR), Pune isa well accomplished institute which focuses on merging innovation with entrepreneurship in Agriculture. ICAR-DOGR is delighted to invite applications for enrolling in Agri-Business Incubation programme 2020-21. Entrepreneurs (Indian citizens) having an innovative business idea in Agri and allied sectors specifically in Onion & Garlic crop can apply by filling the registration form as given in the link below. Detailed information about the programme is given in the brochure. ICAR-DOGR would like to extend support to prospective entrepreneurs by providing technical assistance, consultancy, infrastructure facility, guidance and training for sustainable business establishment.
Result of Interview for Post of Young Professional-I Under AINRPOG Project
Result of Interview for Post of Young Professional-I Under Main Project
Note : Prepared Single pdf (only) of all documents with applications form. Application should be in single pdf along with application form and documents and send single pdf at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Note : Prepared Single pdf (only) of all documents with applications form. Application should be in single pdf along with application form and documents and send single pdf at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Result of interview for post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under DBTNPAD&C
Result of interview for post of Young Professional Y-II (Post Code 1) under AINRPOG project
Performance of direct seeded kharif onion crop in eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh
Amar Jeet Gupta, S.S. Gadge, Rajiv Kale, Major Singh, N. Rai and Govind N. Singh
Onion (Allium cepa L.) is mainly transplanted crop associated with high cost of labor requirement during transplanting. It can also be cultivated by direct seeding in the field. In the present study, direct seeded onion crops were sown on 25 Aug, 2021 and harvested on 26-30 Dec, 2021 when the transplanted crops were failed due to erratic rainfall and water stagnation due to overflow of Ganga river near Gangetic region of Chunar Taluka in Mirzapur (UP) during 9-12 Aug, 2021. Whereas, in case of transplanted crop, seeds were sown on 15 Jun, 2021 to raise seedlings which were transplanted on 6-8 Aug, 2021 and harvesting was done on 18-22 Nov, 2021. The onion variety ‘Bhima Super’ was chosen for both the methods of onion planting and recommended package of practices were followed to raise the healthy crop.
Direct seeded crop takes one month less time in comparison with transplanted crop because direct seeded crop harvested in 125 days after sowing whereas, transplanted crop harvested in 158 days (53 days in nursery and 125 days in main field). Direct seeded crop yielded 70.4 q/acre whereas, transplanted crop yielded slightly more i.e. 74.3 q/acre. About Rs. 1.0 lakh per acre net profit was noted in both the methods and bulbs were sold @ 1800/- per q after harvesting. Comparatively less input cost i.e. Rs. 5420/- per acre was noted in case of direct seeded crop in comparison to transplanted crop.
The net profit was at par in both the methods of onion production but direct seeded crop is more economic because it is early maturing than transplanted crop, if both the crops were sown at the same time. Comparatively more double bulbs and bolters as well as weed problem were observed in direct seeded crop whereas, nursery management was not required in the direct seeded crop. Hence, direct seeded kharif onion crop can be promoted in eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh especially, in Mirzapur near Gangetic region to fulfill the domestic requirements and to fetch more income.
Table 1. Performance of onion production through seedling transplant during kharif 2021
Farmer’s Name |
Production (q/ acre) |
Output Amount (Rs) |
Input Cost (Rs) |
Net Profit (Rs/ acre) |
Mr. Nagesh Kumar |
80.60 |
145080 |
32300 |
112780 |
Mr. Kapil Kumar |
75.80 |
136440 |
30400 |
106040 |
Mr. Jayshankar |
67.40 |
121320 |
28700 |
92620 |
Mr. Ramashankar |
74.45 |
134010 |
31200 |
102810 |
Mr. Shambhu Sahani |
73.30 |
131940 |
32000 |
99940 |
Mean |
74.31 |
133758 |
30920 |
102838 |
Table 2. Performance of onion production through direct seeded crop during kharif 2021
Farmer’s Name |
Production (q/ acre) |
Output Amount (Rs) |
Input Cost (Rs) |
Net Profit (Rs/ acre) |
Mr. Virendra Kumar Patel |
79.20 |
142560 |
26300 |
116260 |
Mr. Manoj Kumar Singh |
68.23 |
122814 |
24700 |
98114 |
Mr. Dhiraj Kumar Singh |
65.80 |
118440 |
23200 |
95240 |
Mr. Saga Veer Singh |
68.20 |
122760 |
27500 |
95260 |
Mr. Surendra Singh |
70.40 |
126720 |
25800 |
100920 |
Mean |
70.37 |
126658.8 |
25500 |
101159 |