National workshop on “Digital Field Book” organized at ICAR-DOGR
ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune in collaboration with ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad, Telengana and Indian Society of Alliums, Pune organized National workshop on “Digital Field Book” on 29th September, 2018 at Rajgurunagar, Pune. Purpose of workshop was to create awareness among scientists, technical staff and RA, SRF about need of digital data recording for accurate and authentic database development. This digital data recording is time saving as well as devoid of transcriptional errors. More than 70 participant from ICAR institutes and semi government organizations participated in the workshop.
The inaugural session of workshop started under chairmanship of Dr. P.S. Naik, Ex-Director, ICAR-IIVR. He emphasized in his speech that agriculture field specialist especially exploration trips and scientist involved in genetic resource conservation should adopt digital technics to save this national assets. The workshop started with welcome address by the Director Dr. Major Singh, ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune. He highlightened need of digitalization for agriculture scientist including academia for enriching quality of research within time limit. He also stress upon that digitalization is need of hour and prerequisite for transformation. It was followed by concept about workshop by Dr. Elangovan, Principal Scientist, ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets research, Hyderabad. He informed about background history and developers of digital field book, a mobile app and its customization process for data recording in any crop, survey purpose and other academic needs. Two technical sessions’ viz. digital field book and digital interaction along with hands on training also delivered by him. In feedback all the participants feel confident about recording their data by mobile.
Vote of that’s were presented by Dr. V. Mahajan, PS (Hort.) ICAR-DOGR and overall programme was coordinated by Dr. Elangovan, PS, ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad and Mrs. Ashwini Benke, Scientist, ICAR-DOGR.