ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar organized two days training program on “Quality seed production of onion and garlic” for tribal farmers of Nandurbar in collaboration with KVK, Nandurbar on 28-29 March 2022 to promote entrepreneurship and improve the livelihood of tribal farmers. About 160 tribal farmers from various villages of Nandurbar attended the program. Training program was coordinated by Dr. Amar Jeet Gupta. First day training program was organized at Gram Sadan, Nimboni and second day at Khandawara KVK office in Navapur taluka of Nandurbar. Mr. Rajendra Dahtonde, Head, KVK, Nandurbar formally welcomed the participants and elaborated the theme of the program and briefed about KVK activities to the farmers. Dr. A.J. Gupta, Principal Scientist and Nodal Officer (TSP) explained TSP activities and impact from last eight years in Nandurbar. Dr. Gupta also delivered lectures on improved varieties and production technology of onion and garlic. Dr. S.J. Gawande, Principal Scientist delivered lectures on management of fungal diseases in onion and garlic. Dr. Manjunatha Gowda, Scientist delivered lectures on seed production of onion and garlic. Dr. P.C. Kunde, SMS (Plant Protection) highlighted the plant protection measures in onion and garlic. Fifty-six demonstrations on onion and garlic cultivation and seed production were conducted successfully during rabi 2021-22. Most of the tribal farmers are now cultivating onion and garlic at commercial level.