ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune has organized three days Training-cum-Awareness Program on "Scientific Cultivation of Onion and Garlic” under TSP on 24-26 March, 2022 at ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune. A total of 27 selected tribal farmers from different parts of Khed taluka of Pune (Maharashtra) including 10 ladies farmers participated in the program. Dr. Rajiv Kale, Scientist (Agril. Ext.) formally welcomed the participants and elaborated the theme of the training program. Dr. Vijay Mahajan, In-charge Director, ICAR-DOGR, briefed about the technologies developed by ICAR-DOGR to the farmers as well as production and productivity status of onion and garlic. Dr. Amar Jeet Gupta, Principal Scientist (Hort.) & Nodal Officer (TSP), briefed about the activities under TSP and benefits gained by the farmers from this scheme. He also spoke about impact of TSP on livelihood security of tribal farmers. Training program was divided into two sessions, which started with the lecture series followed by the field visit. Lectures were delivered by the scientists of ICAR-DOGR on improved varieties, nursery management, cultivation practices, fertilizer management, micro-irrigation, diseases and pest management, harvesting, storage, post-harvest management, marketing, role of SHGs in increasing socio-economic status of farmers etc. Farmers from Khed taluka expressed our satisfaction and appreciated ICAR-DOGR for excellent work to the tribal farmers. Dr. Major Singh, Director, ICAR-DOGR, appreciated the feedback received from the farmers regarding the training program. Certificates were distributed to all the participants under training program. In addition to lectures and field visits, ICAR-DOGR have facilitated to visit ‘Kisan 2022’ (International Trade Fair for Agriculture) in Pune for all the trainees. After visiting the Kisan fair, farmers became aware about new technologies related to agriculture and showed their satisfaction.