Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research (ICAR-DOGR), Rajgurunagar, Pune in collaboration with National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad organised an online training programme on “Good agricultural Practices in Onion and Garlic Production” during 02-06 May 2022 sponsored by MANAGE, Hyderabad with the main objectives to sensitize the extension functionaries about the Good Agricultural Practices to enhance productivity, profitability and resource-use efficiency of Onion and Garlic in the long-run.
A total of 78 participants including scientists, farmers and farmer producer organizations, staff of the agriculture departments and various universities and KVKs participated in the training programme through the online mode. At the outset, Dr. Rajiv Kale, Sr. Scientist, Agricultural Extension and the programme director welcomed the participants and introduced the agenda of the training programme. Dr. Vijay Mahajan, acting director ICAR-DOGR appreciated the efforts of MANAGE and ICAR-DOGR for organising this collaborative training, he emphasised on the urgent need to transfer GAPs for onion and garlic crops starting from the sowing to harvest and post-harvest management. Dr. Venkat B. Rao, faculty MANAGE, Hyderabad urged the participants to take optimum benefits of this collaborative training.
Experts from ICAR-DOGR and other organisations delivered lectures covering various relevant topics, including Global Scenario and scope and opportunities of GAP in Onion and Garlic; strengthening FPOs for value chain development in Onion; Improved onion bulb production technology; Nursery management and micro irrigation management; Enhancing farmers income through high yielding varieties; Quality Seed and bulb Production in Onion; Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in Onion and Garlic Value Chain; Integrated Pest and Disease Management; Abiotic Stress Management; Medicinal Properties; post-harvest value addition; Mechanization; Impact of onion and Garlic Technologies on Marginalized Farmers. An online exam was conducted in the last session of the training programme and feedback was taken from the participants.
The Five days of training programme was ended with the closing words by the director ICAR-DOGR and vote of thanks was given by S. S. Gadge, Sr. Scientist and programme director. .