Advisory for November 2024

This is the time for harvesting kharif onion crop. Farmers also have late kharif onion crop standing in fields, along with 10-15 days old rabi onion seedlings in nursery and garlic and onion seed crop in their fields.

A. Harvesting Kharif Onion Crop

  • Harvest the crop 100-110 days after transplanting depending on variety. Use empty barrels to create neck fall 2-3 days before harvesting.
  • Leave harvested bulbs in the field for 3 days to cure.
  • After field curing, remove the tops, leaving a 2-2.5 cm stalk, and cure the bulbs in the shade for 10-12 days.
  • If rain is forecast for 2-3 days, harvest at 90-100 days after transplanting and sell immediately.

B. Standing Late Kharif Onion Crop

  • Drain excess water due to rain.
  • Apply first top dressing of nitrogen at 35 kg/ha, 30 days after transplanting.
  • Conduct hand weeding at 40-60 days after transplanting.
  • Apply second top dressing of nitrogen at 35 kg/ha, 45 days after transplanting.
  • Apply foliar micronutrient mixture (5 g/L) at 30, 45, and 60 days after transplanting.
  • If heavy rainfall, high humidity, or cloudy weather is forecast, spray benomyl (0.2%) to control anthracnose disease.
  • If needed, follow up with methomyl (0.8 ml/L) and mancozeb (2.5 g/L) spray 15 days after the first spray to control foliar diseases and thrips.

C. Rabi Onion Nursery

  • Conduct hand weeding 20 days after sowing.
  • Apply nitrogen at 2 kg/500 m² after weeding.
  • Use drip or micro sprinkler irrigation.
  • Apply metalaxyl (0.2%) to control soil-borne diseases.
  • If thrips infestation is high, apply fipronil/profenophos (1 ml/L) as foliar spray.
  • Use mancozeb/tricyclozole/hexaconazole (0.1%) as a foliar spray to control diseases.

D. Standing Garlic Crop

  • Apply first nitrogen top dressing at 25 kg/ha, 30 days after planting.
  • Apply second nitrogen top dressing at 25 kg/ha, 45 days after planting.
  • Hand weed at 40-60 days after planting.
  • Apply foliar micronutrient mixture (5 g/L) at 30, 45, and 60 days after planting.
  • Use carbosulfan (2 ml/L) and tricyclazole (1 g/L) spray as a first prophylactic measure.
  • If needed, apply methomyl (1 ml/L) and mancozeb (1 g/L) 15 days after first spray, and follow with profenophos (1 ml/L) and hexaconazole (1 g/L) after another 15 days.

E. Standing Onion Seed Crop

  • Hand weed at 40-60 days after planting.
  • Apply first nitrogen top dressing at 30 kg/ha, 30 days after planting, and a second at 45 days.
  • Spray methomyl (1 ml/L) and tricyclazole (1 g/L) as a first preventive measure.
  • Follow up with profenophos (1 ml/L) and mancozeb (1 g/L) spray after 15 days, and a final spray with carbosulfan (1 ml/L) and hexaconazole (1 g/L) if needed.

F. Stored Rabi Onion and Garlic Bulbs

  • Regularly monitor for sprouting and rotting. Remove rotted or bruised bulbs and ensure proper ventilation.
  • Keep onion bulb heaps at 4-5 feet height.
  • Store garlic bulbs with leaves in ventilated structures, either hung up or arranged in circular, tapered heaps.

Note: Carbosulfan, profenophos, fipronil, and methomyl are recommended only for visible thrips damage. Mancozeb, hexaconazole, propiconazole, and tricyclozole are recommended only for visible disease incidence.