New onion and garlic varieties of ICAR-DOGR identified for release through AINRPOG




DOGR-1203-DR DOGR-1625 RGP-3 






DOGR-1550-Agg   DOGR-1546-Agg DOGR-W-361 






A total of nine onion and garlic varieties developed by ICAR-DOGR were identified for release during 2024 by Variety Identification Committee of All India Network Research Project on Onion and Garlic (AINRPOG). A meeting of the Variety Identification Committee for onion and garlic under AINRPOG was held on 21st August 2024 in ICAR, KAB-II, Pusa, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Prof. S. K. Singh, DDG (Hort. Sci.), ICAR, New Delhi. Onion and garlic varietal trials conducted under AINRPOG during 2016-19, 2017-20, 2018-21, and 2019-22 were presented before the Variety Identification Committee. In onion, a total of 37 varietal trials were presented for different seasons viz. rabi, kharif, and late kharif under short day and long day centers along with trait-specific trials for early maturity and high TSS. In garlic, a total of 6 garlic varietal trails were presented for rabi season at short day and long day conditions. Based on the approved guideline for the identification of onion and garlic varieties under AINRPOG and thorough discussion, the following entries have been recommended for the release:

a. Onion (five red and three white varieties)

  • ‘DOGR-W-361’ recommended for Zone V (Junagadh, Nashik, Rahuri and Pune). Bulbs are white with globe shape, average marketable yield 324 q/ha and suitable for rabi season. Bulbs maturity in 115-120 days after transplanting. Field tolerant to thrips and foliar diseases. Bulb storability up to 4 months.
  • Multiplier onion ‘DOGR-1550-Agg’ recommended for Zone V (Junagadh, Nashik, Rahuri and Pune). Bulblets are medium red with ovate shape and produce 5-6 bulblets per bulb. Suitable for rabi season with average marketable yield 192 q/ha. TSS 14-15 oBrix. It requires 90-95 days to harvest after planting. Bulb storability 5-6 months.
  • Multiplier onion ‘DOGR-1546-Agg’ recommended for Zone V (Junagadh, Nashik, Rahuri and Pune) and VI (Bagalkot, Bengaluru, Coimbatore and Dharwad). Bulblets are pink with elliptic shape tapering upward and TSS 13-14 oBrix. Suitable for rabi season. Average marketable yield is 178 q/ha. It matures in 85-90 days and can be stored up to 5-6 months.
  • ‘DOGR-RGP-3’ is suitable for kharif season recommended for Zone IV (Jabalpur, Raipur Chiplima, Akola and Jhalawar). Bulbs are attractive dark red with globe shape. The average marketable yield is 207 q/ha. It is harvested within 100-105 days after transplanting and free from doubles and bolters. Bulbs storability 2-3 months.
  • ‘DOGR-1625’ recommended for Zone IV (Jabalpur, Raipur Chiplima, Akola and Jhalawar) and suitable for kharif season. Bulbs are dark red with flat-globe shape and almost free from doubles and bolters. Average marketable yield is 217 q/ha. Bulb maturity 105-110 days after transplanting.
  • ‘DOGR-1203-DR’ is an early maturing onion line recommended for Zone V (Junagadh, Nashik, Rahuri and Pune) suitable for rabi season with average marketable yield of 278 q/ha. Bulbs are very dark red with oval shape and free from doubles and bolters. Registered as unique genetic stock for very early maturity and uniform neck fall during rabi season. Good storability for 5-6 months. However, no crop establishment is observed during kharif due to early sets formation in the nursery.
  • ‘DOGR-HT-3’ and ‘DOGR-HT-4’ recommended for Zone V (Junagadh, Nashik, Rahuri and Pune) and VI (Bagalkot, Bengaluru, Coimbatore and Dharwad) for high TSS during rabi season with marketable yield of 253 q/ha. Bulbs are white with flat globe shape. TSS more than 16 oBrix. b. Garlic (one variety)
  • ‘DOGR-PB-10’ recommended for Zone-II (Jammu, Jobner, Karnal, Ludhiana and Delhi) for high marketable yield (12.5 q/ha) and suitable for rabi season.