Organized one day Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) activity under SERB-DST funded Project
ICAR-DOGR organizes ATMA training programme - December 2023
World Soil Day-2023 celebration at ICAR-DOGR, Pune
Patent of Onion Storage Structure of ICAR-DOGR
High yielding onion variety Bhima Light Red - A Success Story
Promotion of kharif onion production in south eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh
ICAR-DOGR celebrated International Women’s Day 2023
Dr. Vijay Mahajan has taken over the Charge of Director
3rd National Symposium on Alliums
ICAR-DOGR celebrated Cyber Jagrookta Diwas
Kisan Sangoshthi on extending kharif onion production in eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh
Promotion of onion cultivation in Union Territory of Ladakh
ICAR-DOGR has signed MoU with Dr. C. V Raman University, Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh
Interaction meeting and distribution of Agri-inputs to the tribal farmers
XIIIth Annual Workshop of Onion & Garlic (AINRPOG) organized at the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad (5-7 August, 2022)
ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar organized one Day Training Workshop on ‘Post Harvest Storage Technologies & Management of Onion’’
Training on Scientific cultivation of kharif onion under TSP in Ambegaon taluka of Pune
Training-cum-seed distribution of kharif onion under TSP
Agri-Business Incubation (ABI) centre inaugurated at ICAR-DOGR, Pune
ICAR-DOGR Signs Technology License Agreement of ‘Controlled Onion Storage Structure Technology’ with Kala Biotech Pvt. Ltd. through Agrinnovate New Delhi
ICAR-DOGR, Pune and MANAGE, Hyderabad collaborative online training programme on Good Agricultural Practices in Onion and Garlic Production
Training-cum-Awareness Program under TSP on 24-26 March 2022
Organized training program for tribal farmers in Nandurbar
ICAR-DOGR organize Farmers Fair and Farmers-Scientists Interface under Kisan Bhagidari Prathmikta Hamari Compaign
ICAR-DOGR receives Best stall award in ‘Shining Maharashtra 2022’
ICAR-DOGR participates in Exhibition ‘Kisan 2022’
ICAR-DOGR organizes ATMA training programme
ICAR-DOGR organizes two training programmes under SCSP
Organized Training Program on Commercial Cultivation of Onion and Garlic for Tribal Farmers
One-day hands-on training programme on "Techniques in Molecular Biology" Under Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) of DST-SERB funded project.
International Women’s day celebration on March 8, 2022 at ICAR-DOGR
Onion field-cum-feedback visit conducted at farmer’s field
Performance of direct seeded kharif onion crop in eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh
The 23nd RAC Meeting of ICAR-DOGR
Onion field-cum-feedback visit conducted at farmer’s field
Organized Kisan Sangosthi on commercial cultivation of onion in Mirzapur (UP)
World soil day celebration on December 5, 2021 at ICAR-DOGR
Organized Training Programat ICAR-DOGR for Tribal Farmers
Organized Training under TSP in Nandurbarted
Diagnostic field visit conducted
ICAR-DOGR organizes training programme for farmers of District Pune
Training cum workshop and input distribution under SCSP
हिंदी पखवाड़ा का आयोजन (14- 28 सितंबर 2021)
Training-cum-Awareness Programme conducted on raising of early kharif onion through sets technology
Poshan Vatika Maha Abhiyan and Tree Plantation
ICAR-DOGR organized 26th IRC meeting
Celebration of Parthenium Week 16-22 August 2021
Celebration of Independence Day, 15 Aug. 2021 at ICAR-DOGR
Training and Distribution of Agricultural Inputs under TSP and SCSP
Awareness Campaign on ‘Balanced Use of Fertilizers’ organised virtually by ICAR-DOGR
ICAR-DOGR Organized Training for promotion of Kharif Onion Production in Uttar Pradesh
ICAR-DOGR organised collaborative online training programme with MANAGE Hyderabad
Organized Field Day under TSP in Nandurbar
ICAR-DOGR Organized Kisan Sangosthi in Mirzapur of Uttar Pradesh
ICAR-DOGR Celebrated World Water Day – 2021
The 22nd RAC Meeting of ICAR-DOGR
ICAR-DOGR celebrated International Women’s Day 2021
ICAR-DOGR celebrated “National Science Day”
Celebration of Swachhata Pakhwada at ICAR-DOGR, Pune during 16 Dec. 2020 to 31 Dec. 2020
Conducted training and distribution of inputs under SCSP scheme by ICAR-DOGR
Training and fields demonstrations conducted in eastern parts of UP to boost up onion and garlic production
ICAR- DOGR, Pune has observed the Vigilance Awareness Week, 2020 from 27th October, 2020 to 02rd November, 2020
Distribution of inputs and conduction of training by Directorate Of Onion And Garlic Research
ICAR-DOGR conducted training on ‘Suraksha Hamesha’ - safety measures while spraying of agro-chemicals
ICAR-DOGR Signed MoU with JSC Company Seeds Pvt. Ltd. for Onion variety “Bhima Shakti”
Performance of rabi onion production in eastern part of UP during COVID-19 situation
Demonstrations on Kharif onion production under TSP in Ambegaon
Distribution of seed and agricultural inputs by Directorate Of Onion and Garlic Research
Organized Training programme for tribal farmers
ICAR-DOGR organizes three training programme under SCSP scheme
ICAR-DOGR celebrated International Women’s Day 2020
ICAR-DOGR participated in Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela- 2020, New Delhi
ICAR-DOGR participated in Science Exhibition 2020
National Science Day celebrated
ICAR-DOGR organizes training programme for farmers of Karnataka
ICAR-DOGR organizes ATMA training programme for farmers
ICAR-DOGR participates in ‘Global Farmers’ and ‘Krushik’
ICAR-DOGR organizes training programme for farmers of Rajasthan
ICAR-DOGR Participated in Kisan 2019
Demonstration of kharif onion cultivation in eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh: A Success Story
Dr. A. K. Singh DDG (Hort.) Visited ICAR-DOGR, Pune
Organized Training under TSP in Nandurbar
ICAR-DOGR wins four medals in Sports Tournament
Training organized for tribal farmers in Ambegaon
ICAR-DOGR onion variety “Bhima Shakti” licensed to Indo American Hybrid Seeds (I) Pvt Ltd.
हिन्दी पखवाडा
Interface Meeting on ‘Jal Shakti Abhiyan’ organised
ICAR-DOGR, celebrated 73nd Independence Day
ICAR-DOGR signed MoU with SANGHAR EXPORT and NED SPICE dehydration LLP
ICAR-DOGR Organised International Training for Scientists from BARI, Bangladesh
ICAR-DOGR celebrated International Yoga Day
ICAR-DOGR Celebrated 22nd Foundation Day
Annual Workshop of Onion & Garlic (AINRPOG) organized at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
ICAR-DOGR Signs MoU with Dinkar Seeds Pvt. Ltd. for Onion variety “Bhima Super”
TSP Training on Scientific Cultivation of Onion and Garlic
Conducted 21st RAC Meeting of ICAR-DOGR
ICAR-DOGR Signs MoU with WTOR for Technology Dissemination
ICAR-DOGR organized health camp for women staff
Third training programme for scheduled caste farmers
Farmers’ training programme at ICAR-DOGR
ICAR-DOGR organizes training programme under SCSP scheme
International Women's Day celebrated on 08th March, 2019
National Science Day
International Symposium on Edible Alliums: Challenges and Opportunities concludes 12 th February, 2019
गणतंत्र दिवस का आयोजन
TSP Training on Improved Cultivation and Seed Production of Onion and Garlic
सेक्रेटरी, सीजीऐससी (स्टाफ साइड) का इस निदेशालय में कार्यालय दौरा
Training Programme for progressive farmers of Tamil Nadu at ICAR-DOGR
ICAR-DOGR conducts Farmers’ Training at Socuunoma village of Nagaland
Vigilance Awareness Week, 2018
Organized Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan and Training under TSP
Training Programme of progressive farmers and extension workers from Uttar Pradesh at ICAR-DOGR
National workshop on “Digital Field Book” organized at ICAR-DOGR
हिन्दी पखवाड़ा का आयोजन
ICAR-DOGR, celebrated 72nd Independence Day
Special Secretary DARE and Secretory ICAR visits ICAR-DOGR, Pune on 17th July 2018
Organized Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan and Training under TSP
ICAR-DOGR celebrated 4th International Yoga Day
Training on Kharif Onion Production Technology under TSP
Training programme organized in Mirzapur
Training programmes organized for popularization of Onion cultivation in NEH region
ICAR-DOGR Celebrated 21st Foundation Day
Annual Workshop of Onion & Garlic (AINRPOG) organized at PAU, Ludhiana
ICAR-DOGR signs MoU for seed production of onion variety Bhima Dark Red
Night Soil Trumps Organic and Chemical Fertilizers,Improved Yield
Training organized for tribal farmers of Junnar
ICAR DOGR Organizes Farmers Scientists Interface Meet
ICAR-DOGR organized training programme for Skilled Supporting Staff
ICAR DOGR Participated in Krishi Mohotasav
Science Day Celebrated at ICAR DOGR
Training Programme in tribal Belts of Nandurbar
IMC meeting of ICAR-DOGR held on 1st March 2018
गणतंत्र दिवस का आयोजन
Training-cum-Awareness programme under TSP in Nandurbar
ICAR-DOGR participated in agricultural Exibition'Global Farmer 2018'
ICAR-DOGR participated in agricultural exbibition Kisan 2017
20th RAC meeting of ICAR-DOGR Organized
Brainstorming on Challenges in Mechanization of Onion and Garlic
ICAR-DOGR participated in Exhibition
प्याज एवं लहसुन अनुसंधान निदेशालय में सतर्कता सप्ताह
Training organised under TSP in Nandurbar : 4 - 5 Oct. 2017
प्याज एवं लहसुन अनुसंधान निदेशालय में हिन्दी पखवाडा
Farmers training at DOGR : 5 - 7 Oct 2017
Brainstorming on Thrips : Challenges and Management Options
Training under TSP and Sankalp Se Siddhi program in Nandurbar
Sankalp Se Siddhi - New India Movement (2017-2022) at KVK Narayangaon
ICAR-DOGR Signs MoU with R. K. Engineering Works
The pleage "Sankalp to Sidhi" at DOGR
ICAR-DOGR celebrates Swachh Bharat Pakhwara
Visit of Padma Shree Dr. K. L. Chaddha and ADG (Hort.) Dr. W.S. Dhillon
Staff Welfare Committee welcomes new Director, Dr. Major Singh
Dr. Major Singh has taken over the charge of Director
ICAR-DOGR Mobile App lanuched by Dr. T. Janakiram, ADG (Horticulture)
Dr. T. Janakiram. ADG (Hort.) visited ICAR-DOGR
Bhima Super and Bhima Shakti Recommned for notification