Study on White Onion (Alium cepa L.) Growth, Yield and Economics under Pulse (Drip) Irrigation

D.A. Madane, M.S. Mane, U.S. Kadam


Pulse drip irrigation is a recent concept where small portion of per day water requirement is given by frequent irrigation to meet the plant water requirements. The field experiment was conducted during rabi season from 23rd November, 2015 to 4th May 2016, on sandy clay loam soil at Instructional Farm of Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli, India (latitude 170 45' N and longitude 730 10' E and altitude of 250 m). The experiment was arranged in twelve treatment combinations with strip plot design as horizontal factor (main treatment) one continuous irrigation (P1), two pulses (P2), three pulses (P3) and four pulses (P4), while vertical factor (sub treatment) as irrigation levels viz. I1 (0.80 ETC), I2 (1.0 ETC) and I3 (1.20 ETC) treatments. The interaction effect revealed that among the different treatment combination I2P4 (irrigation level I2 (1.0 ETC) with four pulse treatment P4) was found significantly superior over I1P1 (irrigation levels I1 (0.8 ETC) with continuous irrigation P1) treatment combination at par with I3P4 (irrigation level 1.2 ETC with four pulse treatment) treatment combination. The average seasonal water applied to white onion under pulse irrigation (drip) through different irrigation levels was varied from 282.58 mm for I1 (0.8 ETC) to 419.21 mm for I3 (1.2 ETC) irrigation levels. The interaction effect  revealed that  highest mean polar diameter (63.88 mm), geometric mean diameter (59.51 mm), equatorial diameter (63.16 mm), average bulb weight (112.05 g) and yield (38.52 ton.ha-1) of white onion was found  in treatment combination I2P4 (irrigation level 1.0 ETC and four pulse treatment) followed by I3P4 (irrigation level 1.2 ETC and three pulse treatment), respectively. The cost of production of  Rs 4,49,011 and Rs 4,45,669 ha-1, gross returns of  Rs 9,85,000 and  Rs 9,60,000 ha-1, net returns of  Rs 5,35,989 and Rs 5,14,331ha-1 and B C ratio of 2.19 and 2.15, were observed for I2P4 and I3P4 treatment combination, respectively). Average water use efficiency was found maximum for I1P4 (11.93 treatment combination followed by I1P3 (11.33 and I2P4 (10.99 treatment combination.


Pulse Irrigation (Drip), Irrigation scheduling, Water use efficiency, Yield, Quality, Net returns, BC Ratio

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