Impact of Sources and Levels of Sulphur Application on Growth, Yield and Quality parameters of Onion (Allium cepa L.)

M.N. Bhalekar, K.G. Shinde, D.H. Rathod, B.T. Patil


The experiment was conducted on onion (Allium cepa L.) under All India Coordinated Research Project on Vegetable Crops, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri (MS) during 2010-11 to 2012-13.  The effect of two sources (gypsum and elemental sulphur) and four levels of sulphur in each source (0, 15, 30, and 45 kg S/ha) were studied along with NPK (100:50:50 kg/ha) in onion. Onion responded to sulphur levels significantly @ 15-45 kg S/ha over recommended dose of NPK. The yield was ranged from 395.94 to 563.43 q/ha for varying sources and levels of sulphur. With the increase in sulphur application from 0 to 45 kg/ha, a reduction in storage losses from 18.80 to 21.96% was observed for the period of 120 days. The pyruvic acid concentration increased from 4.92  mole g-1 with 45 kg S/ha as against NPK treatment (3.20  mole g-1). The results indicated that the sulphur application (15-45 kg S/ha) along with recommended dose of NPK fertilizers found beneficial for improving the yield, quality parameters and storability of onion bulbs. The application of 45 kg sulphur through gypsum source along with recommended dose of fertilizers (100:50:50 NPK kg /ha + 20 t FYM) has recorded the maximum B:C ratio of 6.42 as compared to control (5.42) receiving no sulphur in onion cv. N-2-4-1 for rabi season.


Onion, Storability, Quality, Sulphur

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