Nutrient Management in Onion and Garlic

A. Thangasamy, Yogesh Khade, Major Singh


Onion and garlic are important bulbous crops grown worldwide and in India as vegetable and spice crops. Productivity of these crops are reached plateau over last decade in India. Productivity could be increased by judicious use all available resources and proper nutrient management practices. These crops remove 85-90% major nutrients up to 60-75 days after planting. However, these crops remove micronutrients till maturity. Therefore, required major nutrients should be applied as per crop requirement at time and in right place through right source. Season long supply of micronutrients are essential for achieving higher production. Continuous application of inorganic fertilizers could deteriorate soil health and affect onion and garlic productivity. Organic manures have both major and micronutrients, but it is very difficult to synchronize the nutrient release and crop nutrient demand. Hence, balanced application of inorganic fertilizers, organic manures and biofertilizers are essential for achieving higher productivity and for sustaining soil health.


Productivity, Nutrient uptake, Organic manures, Inorganic fertilizers, Biofertilizers, Balanced application

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