Training-cum-Awareness programme under TSP in Nandurbar
ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar organized two days training programmes on “Commercial cultivation of onion and garlic” under the TSP scheme in collaboration with KVK, Nandurbar on 8-9 January, 2018. About 125 tribal farmers from various areas of Nandurbar attended the programme. First day training organized at Sai Kripa Shetkari Gat, Shravani and second day training organized at Jai Gurudev Shetkari Gat, Nizampur. Dr. A. J. Gupta, Nodal Officer (TSP) elaborate the TSP activities in Nandurbar. He delivered lecture on quality seed production of onion and garlic. Dr. A.R Wakhare highlighted the plant care through integrated paste and disease management. Shri R. Dahtonde, Incharge, KVK; Shri Pradip Late, Agriculture Development Officer, Nandurbar and Mr. R.M. Patil, SMS (Hort.), KVK, Nandurbar were present in the programme. Dr. A. J. Gupta also delivered a lecture on improved varieties of onion and garlic suitable for tribal farmers. Twenty-eight demonstrations on onion and garlic production and quality seed production of onion conducted during rabi 2017-18 which showed excellent performance and farmers expressed happiness with onion and garlic cultivation. Most of the tribal farmers are now cultivating onion and garlic at commercial level and initiated selling of farm produce through NESU Parisar Farmers Producer Company.