Staff Welfare Committee welcomes new Director, Dr. Major Singh
On behalf of the ICAR- DOGR staffs, Staff Welfare Committee welcomes new Director, Dr. Major Singh who took charge on 13th April 2017. Earlier he was Project Coordinator, All India Coordinated Research Project on Vegetable Crops, ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi.
Dr. Major Singh is known nationally and internationally for his contribution to agricultural research particularly in vegetable breeding and biotechnology. He received his Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from CCS University, Hisar and M. Sc. Ag. from GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. He has been serving ICAR for last 30 years in various capacities (Scientist, Sr. Scientist, Principal Scientist, Head, Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi, Project Coordinator, AICRP(VC), ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi. During the programme, Dr. Vijay Mahajan, Principal Scientist and Former Acting Director, ICAR- DOGR, officially welcomed the new Director and gave his best wishes on behalf of the staff. Dr. Major Singh addressed the house and assured his full support for the welfare of the institute, farmer and nation. ICAR-DOGR will surely be benefited by his able guidance and support.