ICAR-DOGR Signs MoU with WTOR for Technology Dissemination
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between the ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar and the Watershade Organization Trust (WTOR), Pune at conference hall, ICAR-DOGR on 26th April 2019.
The MoU was signed by Dr. Major Singh, Director, ICAR-DOGR and Managing trustee, WTOR, Pune. ICAR-DOGR was also represented by Dr. S. Gawande, Dr. A. Thangasamy, Dr. V. Karuppaiha and Mrs. Ashwini Benke, Member secretary, ITMU. WTOR, Pune was represented by Dr. Wani and Dr. Madhav Gholkar.
Dignitaries of both the parties stressed upon dissemination of ICAR-DOGR technologies which includes varieties, improved package of practices, drip irrigation, integrated pest and disease management etc. for farmer’s benefit. They also emphasize on understanding between two organization would enable us to share the experience and knowledge to develop weather based advisories. The Director ICAR-DOGR has nominated Mrs. Ashwini Benke, Scientist (Genetics) as Nodal person of ICAR-DOGR for coordinating the activities to be carried out under this umbrella.