Farmers’ training programme at ICAR-DOGR
ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune regularly conducts training programmes for the dissemination of onion and garlic technologies to the targeted clientele. Under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) scheme, twenty-five onion growers from Maharashtra participated in the training programme on “Onion Production Technology” organized on March 25-26, 2019. In inaugural function, Dr. Major Singh, Director, ICAR-DOGR welcomed the farmers and advised them to adopt advanced technology for cultivation of onion to get better yield along with the quality produce. He emphasized to cultivate improved varieties of onion according to season. Dr. Vijay Mahajan, Principal Scientist (Horticulture) suggested for the use of drip or sprinkler irrigation system to save water, labour and have other added advantages compared to flood irrigation. Lectures were delivered on improved varieties, nursery management, cultivation practices, fertilizer management, micro-irrigation, pest control, harvesting, storage, postharvest management, marketing, role of SHGs in increasing socio-economic status of farmers, etc. topics. The various agro-practices were demonstrated to farmers with experiments laid at ICAR-DOGR farm. The various queries of the farmers were answered by the scientists of ICAR-DOGR. The farmers also expressed their views on this occasion. In valedictory function, certificates were distributed to the participants. The farmers were provided seed of ICAR-DOGR varieties, fertilizers, pesticides and technical bulletins at free of cost. Dr. S. S. Gadge, Senior Scientist (Agricultural Extension) coordinated the training programme. Dr. R. B. Kale, Scientist (Agricultural Extension) expressed vote of thanks at the end of the programme.