ICAR-DOGR Celebrated 22nd Foundation Day
ICAR- Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune has celebrated its 22nd Foundation Day on 17th June, 2019. Dr. K. P. Vishwanatha, Vice -Chancellor of M. P. K. V. Rahuri was the chief guest of the Programme. On this occasion Dr K. E. Lawande, Ex-Director, ICAR-DOGR & Ex-Vice Chancellor, BSKKV, Dapoli, Dr. N. P. Singh Director NIASM, Baramati, Pune and Dr Indu Sawant, Director, ICAR- National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune were present as were invited as the Guest of Honour. Dr Major Singh, Director, ICAR- Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune welcomed the guests and briefed ICAR-DOGR achievements. The Chief Guest and guests of honour appreciated the work being done by the Directorate and congratulated the staff. On this occasion, progressive farmers were felicitated for their achievements in onion and garlic production. Retired employees of the Directorate were also felicitated for their services to the Directorate. Apart from the present and past DOGR staff, the programme was attended by around 70 farmers from various parts of Maharashtra. On this day training on ‘kharif onion production technology’ was given to the farmers under SCSP Scheme by Dr. S. S. Gadge. On the occasion packets of onion seeds were also distributed among the farmers’ groups. The programme was compered by Dr Rajiv Kale and vote of thanks wasexpressed by Dr Vijay Mahajan at the end of the programme.