ICAR-DOGR onion variety “Bhima Shakti” licensed to Indo American Hybrid Seeds (I) Pvt Ltd.
The ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar and Indo American Hybrid Seeds (I) Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore has signed memorandum of understanding on 17th October 2019. This agreement was signed by Dr. Major Singh, Director, ICAR-DOGR and Mr. Sridhar Hegde, General Manager (Supply Chain-VC) a signatory authority of Indo-American Hybrid Seeds India, Private Limited. ICAR-DOGR was also represented by Intellectual Technology Management Committee (ITMC) members viz. Dr. V. Mahajan (PS, Hort.), Dr. S. J Gawande (PS, Pathology), Dr. Shailendra Ghadge (SS, Extn.) and Mrs. Ashwini Benke (Scientist, Genetics) & I/C ITMU along with Dr. A. J. Gupta (PS, Hort.).
Bhima Shakti is a red onion variety suitable for late kharif as well as rabi season. This variety is identified for the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, UP, Haryana, Bihar, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, MP, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. This variety is notified by CVRC, India and protected under PPV& FRA, India. Bulb matures in 130 days after transplanting during both seasons. Marketable yield during late kharif is 45.9 t/ha and during rabi 42.7 t/ha. The variety has better storage for 5-6 months.