ICAR-DOGR Signed MoU with JSC Company Seeds Pvt. Ltd. for Onion variety “Bhima Shakti”
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between the ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, and the JSC Company Seeds Pvt. Ltd. Jalna, Maharashtra on 3rd Sept 2020. The MoU was signed by Dr. Major Singh, Director, ICAR-DOGR, and signatory authority of JSC Company Seeds Pvt. Ltd., Jalna Maharashtra. ICAR-DOGR was also represented by Dr. V. Mahajan (Hort.), Dr. S. Gawande, PS (Patho), Dr. Shailendra Gadge, Sr Sci. Extn. and Mrs. Ashwini Benke, Scientist (Gen.) & Member secretary, ITMU. JSC Company Seeds Pvt. Ltd. was represented by Gopal Jindal and Gopal Dewanpalli. Bhima Shakti is a red onion variety identified in the AINRPOG project. This variety has been recommended for Gujarat, Karnataka, and Maharashtra for Late Kharif season and Rabi Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Odisha, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh states are identified, In both season bulb of this variety attain maturity within 125-135 days after transplanting. During the late Kharif, the variety has 35-40t/Ha yield potential while in Rabi 28-30t/ha. Variety is good for 5-6 month storage. Dr. Major Singh has expressed his views on the potential of this onion variety “Bhima Shakti” and hopes the best work in seed production by JSC Company Seeds Pvt. Ltd during this seed scarcity situation. A vote of thanks was expressed by Mrs. Ashwini Benke, Scientist, ICAR-DOGR. The entire agreement work was carried out by following social distancing norms.