ICAR-DOGR distributed seed of onion varieties viz., Bhima Shakti and Bhima Kiran, fertilizers, weedicides, fungicides, insecticides, as well as spades, shovels, etc., agricultural tools to 36 Scheduled Caste farmers from villages viz., Jalgaon Supe, Karhati, Deulgaon Rasal, Javlarjun, etc. of Baramati and Purandar talukas of Pune district on 19 June 2020 under Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan. The vegetable seeds of cowpea, tomato, chilli and okra were also distributed among these farmers. Seed and other agricultural inputs were given free of cost to the farmers. The farmers were properly informed about the use of all these materials. On the occasion, training was organized on “Onion Bulb and Seed Production” by ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune in collaboration with KVK, Baramati. Dr. R. S. Jadhav, In-charge KVK, Baramati welcomed the participants and elaborated the need of training programme on onion bulb and seed production. Dr. Shailendra Gadge, Senior Scientist & Nodal Officer, SCSP delivered a lecture on “Onion bulb and seed production technology”. He also expressed that the provision of seeds and other agricultural inputs during the crisis would bring relief to the farmers and help in raising their social and economic status. Dr. Vivek Bhoite, Subject Matter Specialist (Soil Science) stressed on the importance of soil testing in fertilizer application while cultivating onion crop and also explained onion seed production plan. Shri. Vishal Gurav told to the farmers about proper use of inputs. Shri. Pradeep Bhapkar, Project Coordinator, NICRA expressed vote of thanks at the end of training programme. After training programme, the seed of onion varieties viz., Bhima Shakti and Bhima Kiran, fertilizers, weedicides, fungicides, insecticides, as well as spades, shovels, etc., agricultural tools were distributed among the scheduled caste farmers.