Organized Field Day under TSP in Nandurbar
ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar organized field day programme on “Quality seed production of onion and garlic” for tribal farmers of Nandurbar in collaboration with KVK, Nandurbar on 23-24 March 2021 to promote entrepreneurship and improve the livelihood of tribal farmers. About 40 tribal farmers from various villages of Nandurbar attended the programme. First field day programme was organized at Sai Krupa Shetkari Gat, Shravani and second day at Kalyani Mahila Bachat Gat, Palipada in Nandurbar. Mr. Rajendra Dahatonde, Head, KVK, Nandurbar formally welcomed the participants and elaborated the theme of the programme and briefed about KVK activities to the farmers. Dr. Amar Jeet Gupta, Principal Scientist & Nodal Officer (TSP) explained about TSP activities and performance from last seven years in Nandurbar. He also delivered lecture on quality seed production of onion and garlic. Mr. Kunde, SMS (Plant Protection) highlighted the plant protection measures in onion and garlic. Monitoring of onion seed plots at four locations of variety Bhima Dark Red was done along with experts from Seed Certification Agency and Mahabeej, Dhule on 23rd March 2021. Twenty-six demonstrations on onion and garlic production were conducted during rabi 2020-21. Most of the tribal farmers are now cultivating onion and garlic at commercial level.