ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar organized threedays training programon “Commercial cultivation of onion and garlic” under the Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP)in collaboration with KVK, Nandurbaron28-30 Oct, 2021. About 135 tribal farmers from various villages of Nandurbar attended the program.The three days training program was coordinated by me.These were organized for one day each at NavyuvakPurushBachat Gat, Nimboni; ArpitShetkariPurushBachat Gat, Raigan; and SaraswatiMahilaBachat Gat, Palipada.Mr. RajendraDahtonde, Head, KVK, Nandurbar formally welcomed the participants and elaborated the theme of the program and briefed about KVK activities to the farmers. Dr. Amar Jeet Gupta, Nodal Officer (TSP) explained TSP activities and performance from last eight years in Nandurbar. I also delivered lectures on commercial cultivation of onion and garlic. Mr. P.C. Kunde, SMS (Plant Protection) highlighted the plant protection measures in onion and garlic. Dr. A.R. Wakhare spoke on nursery management in onion. Inputs regarding onion and garlic production during rabi 2021-22 were distributed to the selected groups of tribal farmers. Inputs including 45 kits of onion seed variety Bhima Light Red, 36 kits of fertilizers and pesticides, and two kits of garlic seed bulbs were distributed to the tribal farmers. Thirty demonstrations on kharif onion production were conducted during kharif 2021. Monitoring of kharif onion production at different locations of variety Bhima Super was done along with Mr. RajendraDahtonde, Head, KVK, Nandurbar and Mr. P.C. Kunde, SMS (Plant Protection), KVK, Nandurbar. Most of the tribal farmers are now cultivating onion and garlic at commercial level and earning income.