Training Programme of progressive farmers and extension workers from Uttar Pradesh at ICAR-DOGR
A three-days training programme on ‘‘Production Technology of Onion and Garlic & its Marketing’’ was organized at ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune during 08-10 October 2018. The programme was sponsored by State Agricultural Management Institute, Rahemankheda, Lucknow. Total 13 participants including progressive farmers, extension officers, representatives of NGOs from various districts of Uttar Pradesh attended the training programme. It was inaugurated by Dr. Major Singh, Director, ICAR-DOGR. He welcomed the participants and briefed about research and extension activities of the Directorate. During the training, participants were given information on improved varieties, nursery management, weed control, nutrient and water management, pest and disease management, post-harvest management, processing, role of self-help groups in increasing socio-economic status of onion and garlic farmers, and onion seed production, value chain and marketing of onion. Practical and demonstrations of various activities were also given to the farmers at ICAR-DOGR. Farmers were also taken to the Chakan, Pune onion market for interaction with producers, traders and other stakeholders. Dr. R. K. Singh, Associate Professor, State Agricultural Management Institute, Rahemankheda, Lucknow expressed satisfaction about conduction of training. The programme concluded with the distribution of certificates, publications and one Kg seeds of Bhima Shakti variety to each participants. Dr. R. B. Kale, Scientist (Agricultural Extension) expressed vote of thanks. The programme was coordinated by Dr. S. S. Gadge, Senior Scientist (Agricultural Extension) and Dr. R. B. Kale, Scientist (Agricultural Extension).