ICAR-Directorate of Onion & Garlic Research (DOGR), Pune isa well accomplished institute which focuses on merging innovation with entrepreneurship in Agriculture. ICAR-DOGR is delighted to invite applications for enrolling in Agri-Business Incubation programme 2020-21. Entrepreneurs (Indian citizens) having an innovative business idea in Agri and allied sectors specifically in Onion & Garlic crop can apply by filling the registration form as given in the link below. Detailed information about the programme is given in the brochure. ICAR-DOGR would like to extend support to prospective entrepreneurs by providing technical assistance, consultancy, infrastructure facility, guidance and training for sustainable business establishment.
Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI)
The Govt. of India under the Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) resolution authorized Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) as ‘Designated Agency’ to receive written complaints from general public on any allegation of corruption and misuse of office by any employee of the Central Government or any other Corporation, Company, Society etc. owned or controlled by Central Government. Under the PIDPI resolution, the identity of the complainant is kept secret and complainant is protected from victimization for making such complaints.
ICAR-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune has organized a Training-cum-Awareness program on "Scientific cultivation of kharif onion” on 23rd June, 2022 at Gohe Khurd, Ambegaon taluka of Pune (Maharashtra). The Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) intends to create productive assets in favour of Scheduled Tribes to sustain the growth that is projected to result from growing agriculture production and income generation opportunities as well as a significant reduction in poverty and unemployment. A total of 55 selected tribal farmers from different parts of Ambegaon taluka of Pune participated in the program. Dr. Amar Jeet Gupta, Principal Scientist (Hort.) & Nodal Officer (TSP) briefed about the technologies developed by ICAR-DOGR to the farmers as well as production and productivity status of onion in India. He also spoke about the activities under TSP and benefits gained by the farmers from this scheme. He highlighted about impact of TSP on livelihood improvement of tribal farmers. Dr. V. Karuppaiah delivered lecture on management of insect and pest in onion. Farmers including Shri Somnath Sudam Gongaje, Shri Rohidas Bhaware, Shri Bhivsen Lokare, Shri Vinayak Dangat expressed their satisfaction and appreciated ICAR-DOGR for excellent work for the tribal farmers. Seeds of ‘Bhima Super’ variety were distributed to tribal farmers to conduct field demonstrations and Mr. H. S. Gawali supported in distribution of onion seed to the tribal farmers of 26 groups. Program ended with the vote of thanks presented by Somnath Sudam Gongaje.