In view of the storage losses (30-40%) and to address advancement in the onion storage structures ICAR- Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar (Pune) and Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai (IIT-Bombay), collaboratively organized one day training workshop on ‘Post Harvest Storage Technology and Management of Onion’ on 08.07.2022 at ICAR-DOGR campus under the sponsorship of Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture (POCRA), Govt. of Maharashtra (Nanaji Deshmukh Krishi Sanjivani Prakalp). More than 100 of farmers, Farmer producer company (FPCs) representatives and official of Agriculture Department, Gov. of Maharashtra from various districts (Aurangabad, Jalna, Beed, Buldhana, Usmanabad and Nashik) of Maharashtra actively participated in the training workshop. Dr. Vijay Mahajan, Director, ICAR-DOGR presided the inauguration function and addressed the gathering, emphasizing over multi-cropping system and sustainable secondary agriculture to avoid losses resulted due to only one types of crop. He also focused on adoption of ICAr-DOGR recommended storage structures for minimizing the losses in onion during storage. Mr. Vijay Kolekar, Agronomist, PoCRA was the chief guest of the function. He addressed the gathering with major focus on quality onion seed production, adoptions of modern onion storage structures and responsibilities of FPOS towards strengthening of the agriculture as a business. Dr. Bhushan Bibwe and Dr. Rajiv Kale, subject experts of ICAR-DOGR delivered the lectures on post harvest management and value chain of onion followed by the field visit. The research work on advanced and agnostic onion storage structure was elaborated by Mr. Nilesh Vadgave. (Ph.D Research Scholar) under the abled guideship of Dr. Amit Arora, IIT, Mumbai. Dr. Bhushan Bibwe and Mr. Rajkumar Dagadkhair acted as coordinators of the program. Farmers and official expressed satisfaction over the interactions happened throughout the day. .