Field preparation
Field should be ploughed using mould board plough and tilled using cultivator 3-4 times to eliminate debris and soil clods. Organic manure equivalent to 75 kg N/ha (FYM 15 t/ha or poultry manure 7.5 t/ha or vermicompost 7.5 t/ha) should be incorporated at the time of last ploughing and beds of appropriate size should be prepared after leveling. Mostly, flat beds of 1.5-2.0 m width and 4-6 m length are formed. But, for kharif or rainy season, flat beds should be avoided to prevent water logging. For this season, broad bed furrows (BBF) of 15 cm height and 120 cm top width with 45 cm furrow are formed, which are suitable for drip and sprinkler irrigations.