Tribal Sub-Plan Activities by ICAR-DOGR in Maharashtra
• To conduct training, demonstrations and input distribution on cultivation and seed production of onion and garlic to provide a source of livelihood to the ST population.
• Organize training programme for commercial cultivation of onion and garlic.
• Conduct demonstration trials on cultivation and seed production of onion and garlic at selected fields of farmers.
• Provide planting material and inputs to the selected farmers for cultivation and seed production of onion and garlic.
Activities under TSP
• Bulb production of high yielding onion varieties during rabi season
• Bulb production of high yielding onion varieties during kharif season
• Quality seed production of onion varieties during rabi season
• Bulb and seed production of garlic varieties during rabi season
Training/ Field day
• Organize trainings-cum-awareness programme in tribal belt of Nandurbar
• Organize Field days in the field of tribal farmers in Nandurbar
• Organize trainings at ICAR-DOGR for tribal farmers and field visits
Input Distribution
• Distribute inputs like onion seeds/ onion bulbs/ garlic bulbs, fertilizers, pesticides, weedicides etc. to the selected farmers for conduct of demonstration trial at farmers’ field.
• Distribution of Hi-tech Spray Pump, Ridger, Bamboo for construction of storage structure.
• Installation of drip irrigation system at fields of selected farmers groups (each on one acre land) in Navapur taluka of Nandurbar.
Background of ICAR-DOGR
• ICAR-DOGR has developed ten onion varieties and two garlic varieties as well as several production and post-harvest technologies which can improve onion and garlic cultivation in India. Onion and garlic are known as cash crops which can boost socio-economic status of tribal farmers after adoption of these improved technologies. After approval of Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) by ICAR in April 2013, we have selected tribal declared district Nandurbar in Maharashtra for implementation of TSP and to livelihood development of tribal population through commercial cultivation of onion and garlic.
Scientists involved in TSP
• Dr. A. J. Gupta, Pr. Scientist (Hort.)/ Nodal Officer (TSP)
• Dr. S.S. Gadge, Sr. Scientist (Agril. Extension)
• Mrs. Ashvini A. Benke, Scientist (Genetics)
• Mr. R.M. Patil, SMS (Hort.), KVK, Nandurbar
• Dr. A.R. Wakhare, Sr. Tech. Assistant
• Mr. H. S. Gawali, Sr. Technician
Major Achievements
• Onion and garlic are important commercial crops which can improve livelihood of farmers. The tribal belt of Nandurbar in Maharashtra has congenial climatic conditions for production of onion and garlic at commercial level. But cultivation of these crops was limited to the kitchen garden only before the initiation of TSP in this area by ICAR-DOGR. The scheme was initiated in this area in April, 2013.
• About 550 tribal farmers were selected from 55 farmers groups. Each group undertook demonstrations on onion and garlic cultivation in one acre of land in Navapur, Akalkua and Dhadgoan Talukas of Nandurbar.
• In total, 124 demonstrations on newly improved varieties of onion and garlic and improved production technology were undertaken. Kharif onion production was also demonstrated in Navapur Taluka of Nandurbar. Thirty-two tribal villages have been benefited by commercial cultivation of onion and garlic.
• More than 2000 tribal farmers have been trained by organizing 21 field day/ trainings by ICAR-DOGR. Most of the farmers of selected areas now cultivate onion and garlic on commercial scale. Onion and garlic are giving more profit than traditionally grown crops in these areas.
• Farmers have earned a net income of Rs. 0.70-0.80 lakh per acre by production of about 110 q bulbs of onion variety Bhima Shakti/ Bhima Kiran during rabi whereas earned same net income by production of about 85 q bulbs of Bhima Super in kharif.
• Cultivation of garlic at commercial level has also been introduced in this belt. By garlic cultivation, Rs. 0.80-1.00 lakh per acre net income is earned by production of about 35 q bulbs per acre of Bhima Purple.
• Production of onion seed was also demonstrated under TSP in this area. Farmers have earned 0.60-0.80 lakh per acre net income by production of about 200 kg seeds per acre of Bhima Kiran/ Bhima Super.
• All the demonstrations conducted at fields of selected tribal farmers with the help of free-inputs provided by ICAR-DOGR.
• Installed 30 drip irrigation system at selected fields of tribal farmers and also benefited by ridgers and sprayer pumps.

Demonstrations conducted under TSP
S. No. |
Activities |
Varieties Used |
Number of Demonstrations |
Benefited Farmer’s |
1 |
Onion production during kharif |
Bhima Super |
25 |
250 |
2 |
Onion production during rabi |
Bhima Shakti and Bhima Kiran |
60 |
600 |
3 |
Onion seed production |
Bhima Kiran, Bhima Shakti, Bhima Super, Bhima Red, Bhima Raj, Bhima Shweta and Bhima Shubhra |
29 |
290 |
4 |
Garlic production |
Bhima Omkar and Bhima Purple |
10 |
100 |
Technology dissemination and adoption
After intervention of ICAR-DOGR through TSP Scheme following technology dissemination and adaption are noted:
• Commercial cultivation of newly released onion varieties viz; Bhima Kiran and Bhima Shakti during rabi season.
• Commercial cultivation of newly released onion variety Bhima Super during kharif season.
• Quality seed production of onion varieties Bhima Kiran, Bhima Shakti, Bhima Super, Bhima Red, Bhima Raj, Bhima Shweta and Bhima Shubhra.
• Cultivation of newly released garlic varieties viz; Bhima Purple and Bhima Omkar.
• Kharif onion production technology on BBF (Broad Bed Furrows).
• Enhancement of water and nutrient management through drip irrigation and fertigation in onion and garlic cultivation.
• Integrated Pest and Diseases Management (IPDM) in onion and garlic
• Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) in onion and garlic.
• Post-harvest management in onion and garlic through construction of storage structure.
Trainings organized under TSP
S. No. |
Date |
Subject |
Framer’s Group |
Number of Farmer’s |
1 |
30 September, 2013 |
Commercial cultivation of onion and garlic |
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nandurbar |
250 |
2 |
13 November, 2013 |
Quality seed production in onion |
Kalyani Mahila Bachat Gat, Palipada |
80 |
3 |
15 November, 2013 |
Nursery management in onion |
Ganga Mahila Bachat Gat, Karanjali |
4 |
20 February, 2014 |
Commercial cultivation of onion and garlic |
Nav Chaittanya Purush Bachat Gat, Nizampur |
195 |
5 |
21 February, 2014 |
Quality seed production in onion and garlic |
Maharana Tantra Mandal, Dhanaje |
6 |
16-17 June, 2014 |
Kharif onion production Technology |
ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar |
34 |
7 |
6 September, 2014 |
Quality seed production in onion and garlic |
Mangal Murti Purush Bachat Gat, Karanjali |
77 |
8 |
28 October, 2014 |
Kharif onion production Technology |
Jai Bajrang Jalsrot Upbhogta Gat, Nimbhoni |
121 |
9 |
19-21 March, 2015 |
Scientific cultivation of onion and garlic |
Saraswati Mahila Bachat Gat, Palipada; Eklavya Shetkari Mandal, Nimbhoni; Jai Kisan Shetkari Bachat Gat, Palshi |
200 |
10 |
16-17 June, 2015 |
Kharif onion production Technology |
ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar |
84 |
11 |
6 October, 2015 |
Scientific cultivation of onion and garlic |
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nandurbar |
95 |
12 |
27 October, 2015 |
Commercial cultivation of onion and garlic |
Nimbhoni |
50 |
13 |
28 October, 2015 |
Onion seed production |
Khandbara |
50 |
14 |
14 December, 2015 |
Cultivation of onion and garlic |
Deomogra Shetkari Gat, Sonpada |
75 |
15 |
28 January, 2016 |
Onion production management |
Nimbhoni |
65 |
16 |
8-10 March, 2016 |
Commercial cultivation of onion and garlic |
Shivshakti Shetkari Bachat Gat, Shravani; Jai Balaji Shetkari Gat, Khairve; Meraliyaha Shetkari Bachat Gat, Palipada |
160 |
17 |
19-20 May, 2016 |
Construction of low cost onion storage structure to improve bulb storability |
Sai Krupa Shetkari Gat, Shravani; Pragati Shetkari Purush Gat, Palsun |
145 |
18 |
23-24 August, 2016 |
Kharif onion production technology |
Bandharpada, Raingan |
123 |
19 |
4-6 October, 2016 |
Commercial cultivation of onion and garlic |
Kisan Harit Kranti Utpadak Gat, Savarat; Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nandurbar; Jai Siyaram Shetkari Gat, Khairve |
250 |
20 |
3-4 January, 2017 |
Commercial cultivation of onion and garlic |
Kisan Harit Kranti Utpadak Gat, Savarat; Navyuvak Shetkari Mandal, Nimboni |
155 |
21 |
26 August, 2017 |
Commercial cultivation of onion and garlic |
KVK, Nandurabr |
160 |
List of farmer’s Groups Selected under TSP
S. No. |
Name of Bachat Gat |
Name of Group Leader |
1 |
Jai Siyaram Shetkari Gat, Malwan |
Mr. Sunil Ravilaal Kokani |
2 |
Jai Balaji Shetkari Gat, Khairve |
Mr. Shidya Chama Gavit |
3 |
Jai Siyaram Shetkari Gat, Khairve |
Mr. Shinga Jalu Valvi |
4 |
Navchaitanya Purush Bachat Gat, Nizampur |
Mr. Shital Balu Vasave |
5 |
Deomogra Shetkari Bachat Gat, Shehi |
Mr. Vishnu Jolu Vasave |
6 |
Jai Bajrang Shetkari Gat, Mehendipada |
Mr. Chunilaal Shivtya Kokani |
7 |
Eklavay Purush Bachat Gat, Palipada |
Mr. Kochrya Kotya Padvi |
8 |
Balram Shetkari Gat, Palsun |
Mrs. Bankabai Todya Kokani |
9 |
Ganga Mahila Bachat Gat, Karanjali |
Mrs. Yamuna Gulabdas Gavit |
10 |
Meraliyaha Shetkari Bachat Gat, Palipada |
Mr. Harish Nurji Valvi |
11 |
Jai Bajrang Shetkari Gat, Talavipada |
Mr. Anis Damu Valvi |
12 |
Utkarsh Sheti Utpadak Gat, Patibedki |
Mrs. Nima Vasu Gavit |
13 |
Ravikiran Sheti Utapadak Gat, ThuvaGadat |
Mr. Jaisingh Hurji Gavit |
14 |
Shri Yogeshvar Shetkari Gat, Nizampur |
Mr. Kalpesh Singha Vasave |
15 |
Aai Kuwarli Shetkari Gat, ZhamanjarKhekda |
Mr. Jalamsingh Jiva Maavchi |
16 |
Yaha Shetkari Gat, Sonpada |
Mr. Mansingh Ethya Valvi |
17 |
Deomogra Mata Sheti Utapadak Gat, ChadapadaUmraan |
Mr. Ajitsingh Shyamsingh Valvi |
18 |
Shri Kukumba Bhatiji Maharaj Bachat Gat, Maulipada |
Mr. Yashvant Magya Valvi |
19 |
Kisan Shetkari Gat, Nagare |
Mr. Subhash Jedya Vasave |
20 |
Navnirmaan Shetkari Bachat Gat, Nizampur |
Mr. Philip Jetya Valvi |
21 |
Jai Kisan Shetkari Gat, Palshi |
Mr. Dilip Chotiram Kokani |
22 |
Arpit Shetkari Purush Gat, Raingan |
Mr. Vechya Supdya Gavit |
23 |
Smital Mahila Bachat Gat, Raingan |
Mrs. Sumabai Anil Gavit |
24 |
Shramik Shetkari Purush Gat, Raingan |
Mr. Vantya Nura Gavit |
25 |
Aardarsh Shetkari Purush Gat, Umraan |
Mr. Subhash Dhanji Vasave |
26 |
Deomogra Yuva Shetkari Mandal, Shravani |
Mr. Sandip Mohan Kokani |
27 |
Shriram Sheti Utapadak Gat, Nimbhoni |
Mr. Sadashiv Gangaram Kokani |
28 |
Nirmal Sheti Utapadak Gat, Morthuva |
Mr. Dasu Velji Gavit |
29 |
Sai Shetkari Mandal, Shravani |
Mr. Sandip Chandrasingh Kokani |
30 |
Navyuvak Shetkari Mandal, Nimbhoni |
Mr. Krushna Ashok Kokani |
31 |
Vikas Sheti Utapadak Gat, Suli |
Mr. Krushna Fuljii Gavit |
32 |
Saraswati Mahila Bachat Gat, Palipada |
Mrs. Sunita Subhash Gavit |
33 |
Eklavya Shetkari Gat, Navapada |
Mr. Baban Itya Kokani |
34 |
Kisan Harit Kranti Sheti Utapadak Gat, Savrat |
Mr. Gulabsingh Kotya Vasave |
35 |
Kalyani Mahila Bachat Gat, Palipada |
Mrs. Archana Surupsingh Valvi |
36 |
Jai Malhar Shetkari Purush Gat, Sagali |
Mr. Chandulal Chaitram Kokani |
37 |
Jai Kisan Shetkari Purush Gat, Sagali |
Mr. Jaisingh Ramdas Kokani |
38 |
Shivshakti Shetkari Gat, Shravani |
Mr. Mansu Magan Kokani |
39 |
Sai Krupa Shetkari Gat, Shravani |
Mr. Mangdya Dhendya Kokani |
40 |
Pragati Shetkari Purush Gat, Palsun |
Mr. Shantilal Fakira Kokani |
41 |
Ujawal Shetkari Purush Gat, Chorvihir |
Mr. Hopanji Padvya Gavit |
42 |
Eklavya Shetkari Mandal, Nimbhoni |
Mr. Gulab Sukhlal Kokani |
43 |
Jai Bajrang Jalsrot Uphabhogta Gat, Nimbhoni |
Mr. Surupsingh Mangu Kokani |
44 |
Rajnagar Shetkari Mandal, Khadki |
Mr. Madhukar Gavit |
45 |
Jai Gurudev Shetkari Bachat Gat, Nizampur |
Mr. Madhukar Dharma Valvi |
46 |
Mangalmurti Bachat Gat, Karanjali |
Mr. Kisan Ramji Valvi |
47 |
Aai Kuwarli Mahila Bachat Gat, Bhardu |
Mrs. Surta Vishnu Valvi |
48 |
Devi Deomogra Shetkari Gat, Navi Savrat |
Mr. Rajesh Nelji Gavit |
49 |
Nachiketa Sheti Utpadak Gat, Ucchi Shevdi |
Mr. Ishra Fatya Gavit |
50 |
Jai Sheti Utpadak Gat, Ucchi Shevdi |
Mr. Jagan Vikram Gavit |
51 |
Rajendra Pabad Shetkari Mandal, Malpada |
Mr. Rajendra Amarsingh Padvi |
52 |
Maharana Tantra Mandal, Dhanaje |
Mr. Jatrya Limba Pawara |
53 |
Rani Kajal Shetkari Mandal, Shelkuei |
Mr. Fendya Janglya Pawara |
54 |
Dev Pawad Shetkari Mandal, Malpada |
Mr. Bhimsingh Kiresingh Padvi |
55 |
Nruhsingh Bhagwan Shetkari Mandal, Umrani Khurd |
Mr.Dhakalsingh Kalu Pawara |