Result of walk-in-interview on 16th Jan. 2025 at this Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research for the post of Skilled Field/Lab Worker

Eligible candidates are invited for walk-in0interview on 16th Jan. 2025 at 10.00 A.M. at this Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research for the post of Skilled Field/Lab Worker

Essential Qualification : 12th Pass and Desirable : Minimum two years of experience in laboratory/field works of growing various crops and vegetables.

 Application Form.


Result of Young Professional-II (Post Code: 0102) for the walk-in interview held on 19th December 2024 at 10:00 AM. under project of NASF


Eligible candidates are invited for walk-in0interview on 19th Dec. 2024 at 10.00 A.M. at this Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research for the post of Young Professional-II

Essential Qualification : Essential: Agricultural Master in Extension/ Agricultural Economics / Agri Business Emoluments Rs. 42,000/- 01 No. Till termination of Project management/ Agricultural Statistics

 Application Form.



Result of Young Professional-I (Post Code : 0102) under AINRPOG Project

Result of Young Professional-I (Post Code : 0102) under AINRPOG Project

Result of Young Professional-I (Post Code : 0101, 0103, 0104) under AINRPOG Project

Result of Young Professional-II (Post Code : 0401) under Main Project

Result of Young Professional-II (Post Code : 0202) under AINRPOG Project

Result of Young Professional-II (Post Code : 0204) under AINRPOG Project


Result of Project Associate-I (01),  walk-in-interview conducted on 22 Oct. 2024 under DBT-Anthrax Project.

Result of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Skilled Lab Worker,  walk-in-interview conducted on 24 Sep. 2024 under 'CRP on Hybrid Technology (Onion)'


Schedule of Interview: Interview for the post of Young Professional-II (Post : 09 ) and Young Professional-I (Post : 7 ) will be held as per given schedule


Notice(AINRPOG) 2: Scrutiny of representations received regarding provisionally Eligible/ Not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-II (Post : 09 ) and Young Professional-I (Post : 7 )



Walk-in-interview for engagement/hiring of Junior Research Fellow (01) or Project Associate-II (01) purely on contract basis (temporary) will be held on 22 October 2024 at 10.00 am at ICAR-DOGR, Pune under DBT-Anthrax Project.

 Application Form.


Walk-in-interview for engagement/hiring of Senior Research Fellow (01), Junior Research Fellow (01), Project Associate-II (01) and Skilled Field/Lab Workers(02) purely on contract basis (temporary) will be held on 24 Sept. 2024 at 10.00 am at ICAR-DOGR, Pune under CRP on Hybrid Technology and DBT-Anthrax Project.

Application Form.



Notice : List of provisionally Eligible/ Not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-II (Post : 09 ) and Young Professional-I (Post : 7 )

Annexure : List of applications rejected due to not in format and incomplete.

Annexure I-A: List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 01/01) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure I-B: List of not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 01/01) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure II-A: List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 01/02) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure II-B: List of not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 01/02) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure III-A: List of Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 01/03) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure III-B: List of not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 01/03) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure IV-A: List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 01/04) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure IV-B: List of not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 0104) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure V-A: List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 01/05) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure V-B: List of not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 01/05) under AINRPOG Project  

 Annexure VI-A: List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 02/01) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure VI-B: List of not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 02/01) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure VII-A: List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 02/02) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure VII-B: List of not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 02/02) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure VIII-A: List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 02/03) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure VIII-B: List of not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 02/03) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure IX-A: List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 02/04) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure IX-B: List of not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 01/05) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure X-A: List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 04/01) under AINRPOG Project  

Annexure X-B: List of not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-I (Post Code 04/01) under AINRPOG Project  











Result of Walk in-Interview on 09th July, 2024 at 10.00 AM at this Directorate for filling up Junior Research Fellow (JRF) or Project Associate II under HI-Edit : One step induction of genome editing and transgene elimination in onion (Allium cepa L project)


 Eligible candidates are invited for Walk in-Interview on 09th July, 2024 at 10.00 AM at this Directorate for filling up Junior Research Fellow (JRF) or Project Associate II under HI-Edit : One step induction of genome editing and transgene elimination in onion (Allium cepa L project)


for JRF

1. MSc in Agriculture with specialization in Biotechnology or Genetics or Biochemistry or pathology or MSc in Biotechnology or Biochemistry or Genetics or Botany or Microbiology.

2. CSIR/UGC NET qualification/GATE or qualified the selection process through National level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS DRDO, MHRD, ICAR,ICMR, IIT IISc, IISER etc. CSIR/UGC net qualification.

3. Desirable: Experience in DNA cloning, protein purification and plant transformation for JRF


For Project Associate II

1. M.Sc in Agriculture with specialisation in Biotechnology or Genetics or Biochemistry or pathology or MSc in Biotechnology or Biochemistry or Genetics or Botany or Microbiology.

2. No NET requirement for Project Associate II with two- years experience

3. Desirable: Experience in DNA cloning, protein purification and plant transformation

Application form

Note :   Candidates are requested to kindly fill application form and attach all required documents and submit on the date of interview. 


Result of Interview (in-person / online through video conferencing) for the post of  Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under DUS Project  

Applications are invited to attend Interview (in-person / online through video conferencing) for the post of  Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under DUS Project  (Last Date : 18 June 2024)

Application form

Note :   Prepared Single pdf (only) of all documents with applications form. Application should be in single pdf along with application form and documents and send single pdf at यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.. 

Result for the post of Research Associate (RA) under ‘Agri Business Incubation' Project

Schedule of interview of  Eligible candidates  for the post of Research Associate (RA) under ‘Agri Business Incubation' Project  

Notice : List of provisionally Eligible/ Not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Research Associate (RA) under ‘Agri Business Incubation' Project  

Annexure-Ia : List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Research Associate (RA) under ‘Agri Business Incubation' Project  

Annexure-Ib : List of provisionally Not Eligible candidates for interview or the post of Research Associate (RA) under ‘Agri Business Incubation' Project   

Filling up the vacant Posts of Assistant, Upper Division Clerk & Lower Division Clerk on Transfer on Permanent Absorption basis at ICAR- DOGR, Pune


Application are invited to attend Interview (in-person / online through video conferencing) for the post of Young Professional-II (Post : 9 ) and  Young Professional-I (Post : 10 )  (Last Date : 5 June 2024 (up to 4.30 pm) 

Post Code

Name of post

Major Group

No. of Post

Name of Project


Emoluments per month


Young professional-I

Agricultural Entomology/ Vegetable Science



B.Sc.(Agri)/ B.Tech (Agri) (Biotechnology

Rs. 30,000/- Fixed



Plant Pathology



B.Sc.(Agri)/ B.Sc. (Biotechnology)/ B.Tech (Agri biotech) B.Sc. (Microbiology) 

Rs. 30,000/- Fixed



Agricultural Structure and Process Engineering



B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering or Food Technology or Food Science and Technology or Food Engineering

Rs. 30,000/- Fixed



Plant Physiology 



B.Sc.(Agri)/ B.Sc (Botany)


Rs. 30,000/- Fixed



Natural Resource Management



B.Sc (Chemistry)

with Diploma in Agriculture

Rs. 30,000/- Fixed


Young professional-II

Agricultural Biotechnology



M.Sc(Agri) Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Biochemistry/ Plant Pathology

Rs. 42,000/- Fixed



Genetics & Plant Breeding/ Vegetable Science  



M.Sc.(Ag.) in Vegetable Science/  Genetics & Plant Breeding/ Agril Biotechnology/ Horticulture/M.Sc Plant Pathology

Rs. 42,000/- Fixed



Plant Biochemistry



M.Sc(Agri) Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Biochemistry/ Plant Pathology/ Microbiology

Rs. 42,000/- Fixed



Soil Science



M.Sc. (Soil Science)

Rs. 42,000/- Fixed


Young professional-I




Graduate in B.COM. / B.A./BBA/BBS/BCA(Minimum 60% Marks) from recognized University with minimum one year experience 

Rs. 30,000/- Fixed


Young professional-II




M.E/M.Tech./ OR M.Sc. (Computer Science) OR MCA OR Post graduate in computer science and applications, Information Technology from recognized Universities

.Desirable  Qualification:-

Working experience in database management system and ERP system, Microsoft Dot Net Technology/ Java Application Platform, Open source Content Management System like Joomla, Knowledge of administrative work.

Rs. 42,000/- Fixed

Application form

Note :   Prepared Single pdf (only) of all documents with applications form. Application should be in single pdf (Less than 5 MB) along with application form and documents and send single pdf at यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.. 






Applications are invited to attend Interview (in-person / online through video conferencing) for the post of  Research Associate (RA) under ABI Project  (Last Date : 21 May. 2024)

Application form

Note :   Prepared Single pdf (only) of all documents with applications form. Application should be in single pdf along with application form and documents and send single pdf at यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.. 


Result for the post of Junior Research Fellow/ Project Assistant in TIH-IoT collaborative project entitled “Development of identification tool to assess varietal purity and bulb storability of onion”

Schedule of interview of eligible candidates for interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow/ Project Assistant in TIH-IoT collaborative project entitled “Development of identification tool to assess varietal purity and bulb storability of onion”

List of Final Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow/ Project Assistant in TIH-IoT collaborative project entitled “Development of identification tool to assess varietal purity and bulb storability of onion” (ADVERTISEMENT NO: DOGR/03(01)2024)


List of provisionally Eligiblecandidates for interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow/ Project Assistant in TIH-IoT collaborative project entitled “Development of identification tool to assess varietal purity and bulb storability of onion” (ADVERTISEMENT NO: DOGR/03(01)2024)

List of provisionally Not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow/ Project Assistant in TIH-IoT collaborative project entitled “Development of identification tool to assess varietal purity and bulb storability of onion” (ADVERTISEMENT NO: DOGR/03(01)2024)


RESULT - contractual post of Student Intern under The SERB-DST Project entitled “Taping the potential of native stingless bee Tetragonula iridipennis Smith for pollination enhancement and profitable onion seed production”.  

RESULT - Candidate has been selected after video conferencing interview and In-personal interview held on [post code 05] 14.02.2024 to the post of YP-II under "New initiative-Enabling climate resilience and ensuring food and nutritional security through genome editing in horticultural crops " 

RESULT - Candidate has been selected after video conferencing interview and In-personal interview held on 14.02.2024 the post of Project Assistant in Multi-modal image Data Analysis for Aerial Phenotyping (TIH-IOT Technology Development Hub-activity for Agriculture). [post code 05]]   

Application are invited to attend Interview (in-person / online through video conferencing) for the post of Junior Research Fellow and Project Assistant under Government funded project (DST) Entitled “Development of Identification tool to assess varietal purity and bulb storability of Onion”  (Last Date : 21 March. 2024)

Application form

Note :   Prepared Single pdf (only) of all documents with applications form. Application should be in single pdf along with application form and documents and send single pdf at यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.. 

RESULT - Candidate has been selected after video conferencing interview and In-personal interview held on 14.02.2024 to the post of YP-II under Poly 4 Rate Response Trail on onion and garlic (Post code 2)  

RESULT - Candidate has been selected after video conferencing interview and In-personal interview held on 14.02.2024 the post of Project Assistant in Multi-modal image Data Analysis for Aerial Phenotyping (TIH-IOT Technology Development Hub-activity for Agriculture). [post code 05]]   

Schedule of interview for post of Young Professional-II in "New initiative-Enabling climate resilience and ensuring food and nutritional security through genome editing in horticultural crops " [post code 01] ]  and to the post of Project Assistant (PA) in Multi-modal image Data Analysis for Aerial Phenotyping (TIH-IOT Technology Development Hub-activity for Agriculture and to the post of YP-II under Poly 4 Rate Response Trail on onion and garlic (Post code 2)


Notice : List of provisionally Eligible/ Not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Project Assistant in "New initiative-Enabling climate resilience and ensuring food and nutritional security through genome editing in horticultural crops " [post code 01] ]  

Annexure-Ia : List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Project Assistant in "New initiative-Enabling climate resilience and ensuring food and nutritional security through genome editing in horticultural crops " [post code 01] ]  

Annexure-Ib : List of provisionally Not Eligible candidates for interview or the post of Project Assistant in Project Assistant in "New initiative-Enabling climate resilience and ensuring food and nutritional security through genome editing in horticultural crops " [post code 01] ]   

 List of provisionally Eligible/ Not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Project Assistant in Multi-modal image Data Analysis for Aerial Phenotyping (TIH-IOT Technology Development Hub-activity for Agriculture). [post code 05]]  

Annexure-Ia : List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interviewfor the post of Project Assistant in Multi-modal image Data Analysis for Aerial Phenotyping (TIH-IOT Technology Development Hub-activity for Agriculture). [post code 05]]  

Annexure-Ib : List of provisionally Not Eligible candidates for interview or the post of Project Assistant in Multi-modal image Data Analysis for Aerial Phenotyping (TIH-IOT Technology Development Hub-activity for Agriculture). [post code 05]]   


 RESULT - Candidate has been selected after video conferencing interview and In-personal interview held on following date for the contractual post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under “HI-EDIT: One step Induction of genome editing & transgene elimination in onion (Allium Cepa L)”

 NOTICE- This is in continuation with the provisionally Eligible/ Not Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Young Professional-II in POLY4 Rate Response Trail on Onion and Garlic Project [post code 2] which were advertised vide Advertisement No. DOGR/01(01)2024.

 NOTICE- List of provisionally Eligible/ Not Eligible candidates for interview for post of Young Professional-II under POLY4 Rate Response Trail on Onion and Garlic 

Annexure-Ia : List of provisionally Eligible candidates for interview for post of Young Professional-II under POLY4 Rate Response Trail on Onion and Garlic  

Annexure-Ib : List of provisionally Not Eligible candidates for interview for post of Young Professional-II under POLY4 Rate Response Trail on Onion and Garlic  


Schedule of interview of Eligible candidates for interview for teh post of JRF or PA II in Hi- Edit: one-step induction of genome editing and transgene elimination in onion (Allium cepa) L. [post code 1&2] and DBT network programme on anthrax diagnosis and control [post code 3&4]

Eligible candidates for interview for teh post of JRF or PA II in Hi- Edit: one-step induction of genome editing and transgene elimination in onion (Allium cepa) L. [post code 1&2] 

Eligible candidates for interview for teh post of JRF or PA II in DBT network programme on anthrax diagnosis and control [post code 3&4]




NOTICE- List of provisionally Eligible/ Not Eligible candidates for interview for teh post of JRF or PA II in Hi- Edit: one-step induction of genome editing and transgene elimination in onion (Allium cepa) L. [post code 1&2] and DBT network programme on anthrax diagnosis and control [post code 3&4]

ANNEXURE - Annexure-Ia, Ib, IIa, IIb for List of provisionally Eligible/ Not Eligible candidates for interview for teh post of JRF or PA II in Hi- Edit: one-step induction of genome editing and transgene elimination in onion (Allium cepa) L. [post code 1&2] and DBT network programme on anthrax diagnosis and control [post code 3&4

Application are invited to attend Interview (in-person / online through video conferencing) for teh post of Young Professional-II under Development of Male Sterility and Heat/drough Tolerance in Onion and , POLY4 Rate Response Trail on Onion and Garlic  (Last Date : 20 Jan. 2024)


Post Code.

Name of Post

Name of Project

Eligibility Criteria

No of Post




Young Professional-II


" New 

 initiative-Enabling climate resilience and ensuring food and nutritional security through genome editing in horticultural crops "



M.Sc. in Agriculture with specialisation in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Biochemistry/ Plant Molecular Biology


M.Sc in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Biochemistry/ Plant Molecular Biology/ Botany  from recognised universities.



·      Molecular biology, Plant tissue culture techniques,

·      Proficiency in computer, Bioinformatics analysis skills.

3 Nos.

Till termination of Project

Rs.42,000/- Consolidated  


Young Professional-II


POLY4 Rate Response Trail on Onion  and Garlic

M.Sc.  with specialization in Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry/ Agricultural Chemicals/ Plant Physiology/ Horticulture with 4/5 years bachelor’s degree


1 No.

Till termination of Project

Rs.42,000/- Consolidated  

Application form

Note :   Prepared Single pdf (only) of all documents with applications form. Application should be in single pdf along with application form and documents and send single pdf at यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.. 



Advertisement for the Student Internship in a DST-SERB sponsored project (Last Date : 19 Jan. 2024)


Applications are invited to attend Interview (in-person / online through video conferencing) for teh post of Junior Research Fellow or Project Associate-II or  Project Associate-me HI-Edit : One step induction of genome editing and transgene elimination in onion (Allium cepa L) , DBT Network Programme on anthrax Diagnosis and Control in India and Multi-modal image Data Analysis for Aerial Phenotyping (TIH-IOT Technology Development Hub-activity for Agriculture (Last date of Receiving Application:  16 Jan. 2024 through Email यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.)

Post Code.

Name of Post

Name of Project

Eligibility Criteria

No of Post





Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

HI-Edit : One step induction of genome editing and transgene elimination in onion (Allium cepa L)


1.    MSc in Agriculture with specialization in Biotechnology or Genetics or Biochemistry or pathology or MSc in Biotechnology or Biochemistry or Genetics or Botany or Microbiology.

2.    CSIR/UGC NET qualified teh selection process through National level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS DRDO, MHRD, ICAR,ICMR,IIT IISc, IISER etc. CSIR/UGC net qualification.

3.    Desirable: Experience in DNA     cloning, protein prification and plant transformation.  


1 No.

Till termination of Project

Rs.31000/- per month + HRA  











Project Associate II              

HI-Edit : One step induction of genome editing and transgene elimination in onion (Allium cepa L

1.   M.Sc in Agriculture with specialisation in Biotechnology or Genetics or Biochemisty or pathology or MSc in Biotechnology or Biochemisty or Genetics or Botany or Microbiology. 

2.   No NET requirement for Project Associate II with two- years experience 

3.   Desirable: Experience in DNA cloning, protein purification and plant transformation 


1 No.

Till termination of Project

Rs. 28,000/- + HRA



Junior Research Fellow

DBT Network Programme on anthrax Diagnosis and Control in India


1.    MSc in Agriculture with specialization in Biotechnology or Genetics or Biochemistry or pathology or MSc in Biotechnology or Biochemistry or Genetics or Botany or Microbiology.

2.    CSIR/UGC NET qualified teh selection process through National level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS DRDO, MHRD, ICAR,ICMR,IIT IISc, IISER etc. CSIR/UGC net qualification.

3.    Desirable: Experience in DNA     cloning, protein prification and plant transformation.  

1 No.

Till termination of Project

Rs.31000/- per month + HRA  






Project Associate -II      

DBT Network Programme on anthrax Diagnosis and Control in India

1.     M.Sc in Agriculture with specialisation in Biotechnology or Genetics or Biochemisty or pathology or MSc in Biotechnology or Biochemisty or Genetics or Botany or Microbiology. 

2.    No NET requirement for Project Associate II with two- years experience 

3.    Desirable: Experience in DNA cloning, protein purification and plant transformation  services                       

1 No          

Till termination of Project

Rs.28000/- per month + HRA



Project Associate-II      

Multi-modal image Data Analysis for Aerial Phenotyping (TIH-IOT Technology Development Hub-activity for Agriculture) 

me)                    MSc in the discipline of Horticulture / Agronomy /Extension/ Agriculture Economics/ Plant Physiology/ Soil Science/ Computer Science/ Agricultural Statistics/ Agri Biotechnology/ Plant Pathology/ Entomology.

ii)                  M.E/M.Tech (Any branch of agricultural engineering)



1 No          

Till termination of Project

Rs.25000/- per month



Application form

Note :   Prepared Single pdf (only) of all documents with applications form. Application should be in single pdf along with application form and documents and send single pdf at यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए..