AINRPOG Crop Production section
Brainstorming meeting to finalize technical programme of AINRPOG Crop Production section and drip fertigation experiments was held on July 22, 2017 at ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune. The meeting was chaired by Dr K E Lawande, Ex-VC, Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli and EX-Director, ICAR-DOGR. Dr. Subhash Shine, Ex-Director of Research, MPKV, Rahuri, Dr. T, Arumugam, PI, AINRPOG, TNAU, Coimbatore, Dr. A. S. Dhatt, PI, AINRPOG, PAU, Ludhiana, Dr. P. C. Tripathi, Head, PGR, IIHR, Bangalore, Dr. V. Sankar, Principal Scientist and Dr. P.K. Gupta, Acting Director, NHRDF, Nasik have attended the meeting. Dr Major Singh, Director, ICAR‐DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune welcomed the experts and briefed about the meeting. Dr K. E. Lawande in his opening remarks suggested to address critical issues of crop production. Followed by, Dr. A. Thangasamy, Scientist, ICAR-DOGR presented the progress made in crop production section. After detailed deliberations and discussion, four trials have been finalized for crop production section. The meeting ended with vote of thanks.
Proceedings of the brainstorming meeting held on July 22,2017 at ICAR-DOGR