Annual Workshop of Onion & Garlic (AINRPOG) organized at Kanpur
ICAR-Directorate of Onion & Garlic Research (DOGR), Rajgurunagar, Pune organized the VIth Annual Group meeting of All India Network Research Project on Onion and Garlic at Indian Institute of Pulse Research (IIPR), Kanpur in collaboration with Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology (CSAUAT), Kanpur on 4-5 April, 2016. The group meeting was attended by more than 80 delegates from various parts of the country. Farmers, students and other faculty members were also present.
The inaugural session was chaired by Dr. N. K. Krishna Kumar, DDG (HS), New Delhi. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dean, College of Agriculture, CSAUAT, Kanpur and Dr. N. P. Singh, Director, IIPR, Kanpur were guests of honour. Welcome address was given by Dr. H. G. Prakash, Director Research, CSAUAT, Kanpur. Dr. Jai Gopal, Director, ICAR-DOGR, presented the project report wherein he elaborated the achievements of AINRPOG and possibilities of increasing area and production of onion and garlic in India. Emphasis was laid on development of onion hybrids, virus free planting material of garlic and weed management studies. Dr. Vijay Mahajan, Nodal Officer presented action taken report. Dr. B. Singh, Director, IIVR, Varanasi, Dr. R.P. Gupta, Director, NHRDF, Nasik, Dr. Dip Jyoti Rajkhowa, Joint Director, ICAR Res. Comples, Nagaland, Dr. J.R. Yadav and Dr. J.P. Srivastava, Ex- Prof. & Head, Veg. Sci., CSAUAT, Kanpur chaired various sessions and gave valuable input for refining the technical programme. Recommendation were finalized in plenary session which was chaired by Dr. T. Janaki Ram, ADG (HS), ICAR, New Delhi. Dr. S. L. Goswami, Vice-Chancellor, CSAUAT, Kanpur was the Chief Guest on this occasion.
One light red onion variety DOGR-571 was recommended for rabi season for South Zone VI based on results of Dharwad, Chitradurga, Bangalore and Coimbatore. One long day garlic variety CITH-G-3 was recommended for temperate zone of the country based on results of Almora, Srinagar and Mukteshwar. Two production technologies one on use of micronutrients and other on salicylic acid were also recommended for increasing the productivity of onion in the country.