Dr. Vijay Mahajan (From 22th Feb 2023)
Dr. Vijay Mahajan, Born on March 22, 1964, Ainpur, Maharashtra, Dr. Vijay Mahajan graduated, B.Sc.(Ag), from College of Agriculture (JNKVV), Indore in 1986 and earned his master’s, M.Sc. (Hort.) 1989 and Ph.D. in Horticulture, (Vegetable Science) 1993, from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. His work of M Sc Ag thesis was selected presentation during convocation. Starting his career as Assistant professor at Indira Gandhi KrishiVishvavidyalaya in 1994, he joined ICAR and later as the Senior Scientist at National Research Centre for Onion and Garlic in 2000 and subsequently he became Principal Scientist in 2008. He is Nodal Officer for All India Network Research project on Onion and Garlic, since it’s inception in 2009. He served as acting Director, from Nov. 2016 to April, 2017, at the centre and continued again as Acting Director since 20.6.2022 to 21.2.23. And joined as Director ICAR-DOGR, on 22.2.2023. With his career spanning 28 year doing research, teaching and extension, Dr Mahajan is credited to have developed and released 10 onion and 2 garlic varieties notified by CVRC, Which includes first Kharif white onion , Bhima Shubhra, designated as the “King of Onion” at “Krishi Vasant” Nagpur & developed 2 litchi varieties (IGKV, Raipur). Five onion varieties developed by him were licensed by 156 stake holders worth more than Rs 1.5 crore. He developed 4 high TSS white onion lines for processing and 2 drought and 2 water logging tolerant lines. Introduced onion cultivation in the tribal belt of Nandurbar in 2022. Being Nodal officer DUS and member Task Force, formulated DUS guidelines of Onion & Garlic. Dr. Mahajan worked/working as a member of various committees of the institute and institute’s management committee, of ICAR viz. NRCOG, DOGR, NRCG, DFR, ATARI, NIASM, and CPRI. Dr Mahajan guided 12 students, evaluated M.Sc. & Ph.D. thesis of various universities, has published more than 90 research papers in national and international journals, presented more than 200 papers in national and international symposium, published more than 250 popular articles, 32 book chapters, 30 booklets/folders, conducted training programmes and delivered more than 225 lectures at various forums and 42 radio and TV talks. He has international Exposure on onion at USA, NIAB, Cambridge, UK. He Chaired Crop Improvement Session in International Symposium on Edible Alliums at Turkey. Dr Mahajan organized two national Symposium and one International Symposium on edible Alliums. Dr. Mahajan is recipient CSIR Associate ship, Young Scientist Award from MP Council of Science and Technology-1996, Bhopal, Certificate of Merit for outstanding scientist at IGKV, Raipur – 1996, Fellow of Indian Society of Vegetable Sciences 2018. He was felicitated by Indian Society of Allium-2016 for significant contribution in onion and garlic research in India. He also received NHRDF award–2017 for outstanding contribution in Onion & garlic research and International Scientist Award (Life time achievement)–2021 from VDGOOD Professional Association. The Indian Academy of Horticultural Sciences (IAHS) honoured him conferring the IAHS Fellowship in Vegetable Science –2020 and CHAI Fellowship in 2021. He also received CHAI Appreciation award during 2022 and CHAI Achievers Award- 2023.
Past Director
Dr. Major Singh (From 13th Apr. 2017 - 19th June 2022)
Dr. Major Singh (June 20, 1960) awarded Ph.D degree in Genetics and Plant Breeding from CCS University and M Sc Ag from GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Serving ICAR from last 30 years in various capacities (Scientist, Sr Scientist, Principal Scientist, Head, Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi, Project Coordinator, AICRP(VC), ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi).
Developed two hybrids Kashi Sandesh and Kashi Komal, two varieties Kashi Taru and Kashi Prakash in brinjal; one hybrid Kashi Surkh and one variety Kashi Anmole in Chilli; two varieties Kashi Shakti and Kashi Mukti in pea; one hybrid Kashi Abhiman in tomato; one variety Kashi Param in french bean. These varieties and hybrids were popularized. Developed transgenic lines in brinjal and tomato using Cry 1Ac gene construct for resistant to shoot and fruit borer, in tomato using AtDREB1A and BcZAT12 gene constructs for water-deficit and multiple abiotic stress tolerance. Started marker assisted breeding in tomato and pyramided of genes Ty1, Ty2 and Ty3 to develop durable resistant varieties against TyLCV. Developed mapping population in tomato, brinjal and chilli for gene tagging and QTL mapping. Identified molecular markers for genetic purity of hybrids developed by IIVR in tomato, brinjal and chilli. Published more than 170 articles in various National and International Journals and guided a number of M.Sc. and Ph.D students. Authored two books “Heterosis in crop plants” and Legume vegetables”. Won several awards including ICAR Team Award for outstanding contributions in the field of vegetable breeding; Rajiv Gandhi National Award from Ministry of Home Affairs;Dr. Harbhajan Singh Award for outstanding research; Certificate of merit by Seed Research and is a member of many scientific societies.
Developed international projects and have the liaison with various international organizations specially AVRDC, University of Cornell, ABSP-II etc. By having an active international collaboration, programmes have been developed to promote public-private partnership under ABSP-II programme of University of Cornell. To deal with changing environment issues, associated with mega project of ICAR “National Initiatives for Climate Resilient Agriculture” as Principal Investigator of IIVR component. Interacted with a number of international organizations i.e. International Agricultural Centre (IAC), Netherlands, CARP, Srilanka, RAAS, Russia, University of Cornell etc. Research project have been formulated in eggplant under ABSP-II programme of University of Cornell to manage the fruit and shoot borer. As a consultant provided training and guidance to the research workers of Srilanka for developing hybrids in vegetable crops.
Dr. Jai Gopal (From 9th Jan 2012 - 31 Oct. 2016)
Dr. Jai Gopal (25 October 1954), a distinguished potato breeder, earlier served as Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Crop Improvement, Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla. Dr. Jai Gopal is known nationally and internationally for his contribution to agricultural research particularly to potato breeding. He received his Ph.D. from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. He has been awarded MS Randhawa Medal, 1995; Jawahar Lal Nehru Award, 1997, Vasant Rao Naik Memorial Certificate of Merit, 1998; CPRI Merit Award 2004 and Recognition Award (NAAS) 2007-08. He is Processing Editor, Potato Research, Netherlands; Associate Editor, Plant Production Science, Japan; Ex-Editor-in-Chief, Potato Journal; and Editor, Global Science Books, UK/Japan. He was Visiting Associate, International Potato Centre, Lima, Peru (2001-02) and Visiting Professor, Hokkaido University Japan, 2003, 2005-06. He worked as Member, Task Force, GIPB, FAO, Rome and Panel member, Science Council (CGIAR), FAO for EPMR of CIP. He is fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding; Indian Potato Association; Japan Society for Promotion of Science and had Associateship of Third World Academy of Sciences. His work has been published in national and international journals of repute, and has developed a dozen of varieties of potato, six of onion and one garlic variety. He has travelled widely and chaired national and international conferences. For past more than 4 years, DOGR is making all around development under his leadership. He is contributing significantly to onion and garlic R&D from variety development to management of post-harvest losses. Many new initiatives have been implemented and research activities reoriented to meet the emerging issues of onion and garlic production.
Dr. K.E. Lawande (May 1997 - Oct. 2011)
Dr. K.E. Lawande (21 Dec. 1949) was the founder Director of DOGR. a distinguished alumini of IARI, New Delhi and a renowned vegetable breeder of MPKV, Rahuri. Under his leadership for more than a decade, Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research developed into a national institute of repute with AINRPOG having 12 main and 15 voluntary centres across the country. During the tenure at DOGR, Dr. Lawande released seven onion varieties and two garlic varieties apart from 17 other vegetable varieties released from MPKV Rahuri. He also played a crucial role in development of number of a valuable production and storage technologies which have helped in enhancing the productivity of onion and garlic and net availability for domestic as well as export market. Dr. Lawande has published several scientific papers in the journal of national and international repute and authored several policy papers.