Varieties Developed
Onion Varieties
Bhima Light Red
This onion variety is recommended for cultivation in rabi season in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. It is a medium maturing (115 days after transplanting) variety having light red globe bulbs of about 70 g with thin neck and total soluble solids of 13%. Its average yield in multilocation trials in the recommended zone was 385 q/ha. Total weight losses after four months of storage was less than 25%. It is almost free of doubles and bolters.
Bhima Dark Red
This onion variety from DOGR has been identified for release in Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu for kharif season. Average marketable yield is 20-22 t/ha. It is recommended particularly due to its attractive dark red flat globe bulbs. It attains maturity within 95-100 DAT.
Bhima Raj
A dark red onion variety identified by DOGR for kharif and late kharif season in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Gujarat. It can be cultivated in rabi for immediate market in states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana and Delhi. The variety matures within 120-125 days after transplanting with absolutely no bolters with average yield ranges from 25-30 t/ha. It produces single centred bulbs with thin neck.
Bhima Red
This variety already recommended for rabi season in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, is also recommended for release for kharifseason in Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. It can also be grown in late kharif. Maturity is 105-110 DAT during kharif and 110-120 DAT during late kharif and rabi seasons. The average marketable yield in kharif season is 19-21 t/ha, in late kharifseason is 48-52 t/ha and it is 30-32 t/ha in rabi season. It can be stored up to 3 months in rabi.
Bhima Super
A red onion variety from DOGR has been identified for release for kharif season in Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. It can also be grown in late kharif. It is reported to have an average yield of 20 - 22 t/ha in kharif and 40 - 45 t/ha in late kharif. Bulbs attain maturity within 100-105 days after transplanting (DAT) in kharif and 110 -120 DAT in late kharif. It produces mostly single centered bulbs.
Bhima Kiran
A light red onion variety identified by DOGR for rabi season in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, UP, Haryana, Bihar and Punjab. The variety matures in 130 days after transplanting and the average marketable yield is up to 41.5 t/ha. The variety has better storage up to 5-6 months.
Bhima Shakti
A red onion variety identified by DOGR for late kharif as well as rabi season in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, UP, Haryana, Bihar, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, MP, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Bulbs mature in 130 days after transplanting during late kharif and rabiseason. Marketable yield during late kharif is 45.9 t/ha and during rabi 42.7 t/ha. The variety has better storage for 5-6 months.
Bhima Shweta
This white onion variety already recommended for rabi, is also recommended for release for kharif in Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. TSS is around 11-120B and it matures within 110-120 DAT. It has medium keeping quality and can be stored up to 3 months. Average marketable yield during kharif season is 18 - 20 t/ha and in rabi is 26-30 t/ha.
Bhima Shubra
This white onion variety has been recommended for Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu for kharif season. It is also recommended for late kharif in Maharashtra. It matures in 110-115 DAT during kharif and 120-130 DAT in late kharif. TSS is 10-120B. It is a medium storer with a capacity to tolerate environmental fluctuation. Average marketable yield duringkharif is 18 - 20 t/ha and during late kharif 36-42 t/ha.
Bhima Safed
This line ‘NRCWO-3’ has been christened as ‘Bhima Safed’. It is suitable for cultivation in Chhatisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu. This is a medium maturing (110-120 days) variety having white, round to oval bulbs of mainly 70-80 g. It has 11-12% TSS and is thus suitable both for table and processing. Its average yield in multilocational trials in the recommended zones was 185 q/ha. It has less than 5% doubles and bolters.
Garlic Varieties
Bhima Omkar
The variety has been recommended for cultivation in the states of Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi. The variety matures in 120-135 days and average yield of the variety is 8-14 t/ha. The variety is susceptible to thrips. The variety produces medium size compact white bulbs.
Bhima Purple
The attractive purple skinned variety has been recommended for cultivation in the states of Delhi, UP, Haryana, Bihar, Punjab, Maharashtra, Karnataka and AP. The variety matures in 120-135 days and the average yield is 6-7 t/ha.