1) List of ICAR-DOGR Publications

2) Research papers


 Gawande S.J., Gurav V.S., Ingle A.A., Martin D.P., Asokan, R. and Gopal J. 2015. Sequence analysis of Indian Iris yellow spot virus ambisense genome segments: evidence of interspecies RNA recombination. Archives of Virology, DOI: 10.1007/s00705-015-2354.

 Karuppaiah V.2015. Seasonality and management of stone weevil, Aubeus himalayanus Voss (Curculionidae: coleoptera in Indian Jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana L). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(8):871-876.

 Karuppaiah V., Srivastava C and Subramanian S. 2105. Effect of host plants on insecticide susceptibility and detoxification enzymes activity in Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Noctuide: Lepidoptera)/ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B: Biological Sciences, DOI:10.1007/40011-015-0515.

 Gupta, A.J., Mahajan, V., Singh, R. K. And Gopal, J. 2015. Bolting in Onion, Technical Bulletin No.22, ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune. p.16.

 Tailor A. K., Sharma H.P. and Gadge S.S. 2014. Impact analysis of technologies developed by NHRDF. Bulletin. NHRDF,Nashik.p.60.


 Gawande SJ, Gurav VS, Ingle AA and Gopal J. 2014. First report of leek yellow stripe virus on garlic in India. Plant Disease DOI/abs/10.1094/PDIS-11-13-1163-PDN.

 Mahajan V and Pathak CS. 2014. Target, progress and constraints in onion breeding. In: Souvenir of ‘Brain storming session on crop improvement and seed production of onion’ organized by DOGR and NHRDF at Nasik on 15th March 2014, pp. 69-91.

 Mythili JB and Anandhan S. 2014. Biotechnology: Achievements and its future role in onion improvement. In: Souvenir of ‘Brain storming session on crop improvement and seed production of onion’ organized by DOGR and NHRDF at Nasik on 15th March 2014, pp. 59-68.

 Veere Gowda R and Gupta AJ. 2014. Progress and future of onion hybrids. In: Souvenir of ‘Brain storming session on crop improvement and seed production of onion’ organized by DOGR and NHRDF at Nashik on 15th March 2014, pp. 29-53. 

 Anandhan S., Mote S.R., Gopal J. 2014.Evaluation of onion varietal identity using SSR markers. Seed Sci. And Technol., 42:279-285.

 Anandhan S., Chavan A. A., Gopal J., Mote S. R., Shelke P.V. and Lawande K. E. 2014.Variation in gynogenic potential for haploid induction in Indian short day onions. Indian J. Genet., 74(4):526-528.

 Gopal,J. 2014.Challenges and prospects of endosperm balance number in potato (Solanum tuberosum) improvement. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 84:1027-1037.

 Gopal J. 2014. Heterosis breeding in potato. Agricultural Research,3:2011-2017.

 Gopal J. 2014. A step towards prevention of onion shortage (a report). Current Science, 106:1176-1177.

 Gupta A. J., Chattoo M. A. And Bhat F. N. 2014. Standardization of drip irrigation  and fertigation practices for commercial cultivation of hybrid cucumber under Kashmir conditions. Progressive Horticulture, 46(2):343-348.

 Gupta A. J., Dolma T., and Khan A. A. 2014. Component analysis of lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.) for horticultural traits and yield. Progressive Horticulture, 46(1):85-88.

 Jayanti Mala B. R., Sreenivas P.S., Thangasamy A. And Nighot P. 2014. Role of different nutrients on attack of thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindeman )in onin. Current Biotica, 8(1):72-75.

 Kalyani Gorrrepati, Balsubramanian S., Chandra P. 2014. Plant based butters: review, Journal of Food Science and Technology, ISSN 0022-1155,DOI 10.1007/13197-014-1572-7.

 Kamala V., Gupta AJ., Rajput BS., Sivaraj N., Pandravada SR., Sunil N., Varaprasad KS., Lawande KE. 2014. Diversity in bulb traits in onion germplasm collected from Chhattisgarh and Maharshtra. Indian Joural of Horticultre, 71(4):499-504.

 Singh V., Chavan AA., Brungale SV., Deshpande MB., Nimbalkar V.2014. Heterosis for yield and its components in thermo sensitive genetic male sterility based hybrids in safflower. J.Agric Res., Technology,39(2):320-323.

 Anadhan S. 2014. Role of Biotechnology in onion and garlic. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by  Gopal J and Gadge SS. DOGR, Raajgurunagar, pp.42-48.

 Gadge SS. 2014. Group dynamics in onion and garlic growers. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by Gopal J and Gadge SS. DOGR,Rajgurunagar, pp.116-121.

 Gawande SJ. 2014. Management of onion diseases and insect pests. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘Production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by Gopal J and Gadge SS. DOGR,Rajgurunagar,pp87-101.

 Gopal J. 2014. Status of onion and garlic in India and World. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘production technology in onion and Garlic’ Edited by Gopal J and Gadge SS. DOGR, Rajgurunagar, pp1-9.

 Gorrepati K. 2014. Value addition of onion and garlic. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘Production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by Gopal J and Gadge SSS. DOGR, Rajgurunagar, pp.80-86.

 Gupta AJ. 2014. Development of hybrids in onion. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘Production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by Gopal J and Gadge SS. DOGR,Rajgurunagar,pp.27-41.

 Gupta AJ.2014. DUS characterization of onion and garlic varieties. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘Production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by Gopal J and Gadge SS. DOGR,Rajgurunagar,pp.107-115.

 Mahajan V, Gupta AJ and Gopal J. 2013. White. Multiplier onion ‘WM-514’. DOGR News 17(2):2

 Mahajan V. 2014. Varieties of garlic in India. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘Production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by Gopal J and Gadge SS. DOGR,Rajgurunagar,pp.22-26.

 Mahajan V. 2014. Varieties of onion in India. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘Production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by Gopal J and Gadge SS. DOGR,Rajgurunagar,pp.10-21.

 Murkute AA. 2014. Postharvest management of onion and garlic. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘Production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by Gopal J and Gadge SS. DOGR,Rajgurunagar,pp.122-129.

 Thangasamy A. 2014 Improved INM module for rabi onion. DOGRNews(2)2

 Thangasamy A. 2014. Integrated nutrient and water management in onion and garlic. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘Production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by Gopal J and Gadge SS. DOGR,Rajgurunagar,pp.49-60.

 Thangasamy A. 2014. Weed management in onion and garlic. In: Compendium of model training course on ‘Production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by Gopal J and Gadge SS. DOGR, Rajgurunagar, pp.61-79.

 Yalamalle VR. 2014 Onion seed production. 2014/ In: Compendium of model training course on ‘Production technology in onion and garlic’ Edited by Gopal J. And Gadge SS. DOGR, Rajgurunagar, pp.102-106.

 Kalyani Gorrrepati, Murkute AA/. Gopal J.2014. Value added products from onion. Processed Food Industry. 17(6):16-18.


 Gopal J. 2013. Onion and Garlic Production: Issues and Challenges. National Horticulture Conference organized by National Horticulture Mission on July 17, 2013, at Constitution Club, New Delhi.

 Gopal J. 2014.  In-vitro conservation of potato germplasm. Brain-storming session on “Cryopreservation & In-vitro Conservation of Horticulture Genetic Resources” organized by IIHR, Bengaluru.  pp. 17-18.   

 Gupta AJ and Mahajan V. 2013. Maintenance and protection of onion and garlic varieties through PPV&FR Act. In: National conference on Agro-iodiversity Management for Sustainable Rural Development” at NAARM on 14-15 October, 2013, pp. 25.

 Gupta AJ and Mahajan V. 2013. Management of bio-diversity in onion germplasm at DOGR In: National conference on Agro-biodiversity Management for Sustainable Rural Development” at NAARM on 14-15 October, 2013, pp. 81.

 Dash SK, Kar A and Gorrepati K. 2013. Modified atmosphere packaging of minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Trends in Post Harvest Technol. 1: 1-19.

 Gawande SJ, Chimote KP, Gurav VS and Gopal J. 2013. Distribution and natural incidence of onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) on garlic and its related Allium species in India. Indian J. Hort. 70: 544-548.

 Gopal J, Kumar V, Kumar R and Mathur P. 2013. Comparison of different approaches to establish a core collection of Andigena (Solanum tuberosum Group Andigena) potatoes. Potato Res. 56: 85-98.

 Gupta AJ and Yasmin S. 2013. Effect of drip irrigation and fertigation on yield, quality and input use efficiency in cucumber. Indian J. of Ecology. 4: 252-257.

 Murkute AA, Singh B and Gopal J. 2013. Residues analysis and bulb sprouting in CIPC treated onion. Indian J. Hort., 70: 575-579.

 Thangasamy A, Sankar V and Lawande KE. 2013. Effect of sulphur nutrition on pungency and storage life of short day onion (Allium cepa). Indian J Agri. Sci., 83: 1086-1089.

 Tiwari JK, Chandel P, Gupta S, Gopal J, Singh BP and Bhardwaj V. 2013. Analysis of genetic stability of in-vitro propagated potato microtubers using DNA markers. Physiol Molecular Biol. Plants. DOI 10.1007/s12298-013-0191-6.

 Tiwari Jk, Pandey SK, Poonam, Chakrabarty SK, Gopal J and Kumar V. 2013. Molecular markers of Ry adg gene and serological assay reveal potato virus Y(PVY) resistance in the tetraploid Indian potato (solanum tuberosum) germplasm. Indian J Agri. Sci.,83:397-401.

 Tiwari JK, Poonam, Chakrabarti SK, Kumar V, Gopal J, Singh BP, Pandey SK and Pattanayak D. 2013. Identification of host gene conferring resistance to potato virus Y using Ry gene-based molecular markers. Indian J. Hort. 70: 373-377.

 Tiwari JK, Singh BP, Gopal J, Poonam and Patil VU. 2013. Molecular characterization of the Indian Andigena potato core collection using microsatellite markers. Afric. J. Biotech. 12: 1025-1033.

 Kumar SR, Anandhan S, Dhivya S, Zakwan A, Sathishkumar R. 2013. Isolation and characterization of cold inducible genes in carrot by suppression subtractive hybridization. Biologia Plantarum 57:97-104

 Technical bulletine:

 Gopal J. 2013. Onion Crisis: Remedial measures for price stabilization. NAAS News 13:3-6.

 Murkute AA and Gopal J. 2013.Taming the glut. Agriculture Today August, 16:28-30.

 Yalamalle VR 2013. Seed Production Technology of Onion. In Training manual of National training on ‘Quality seed production of vegetable Crops’ organized by National Seed Research and Training Centre, Varanasi, UP from 16-20 December,2013pp.31-34.

 Yalamalle VR 2013. Seed production Technology jof Garlic. In Training manual of National training on ‘Quality seed production of vegetable Crops’organized by National Seed Research and Training Centre, Varanasi, UP from 16-20 December,2013pp.31-34.

 Book chapter:

 Gorrepati K. 2013. Packaging of value added products from soybean and millets. In processing and value addition of soya bean and course cereals, pp.171-178.


 Khar A. 2012. Cross amplification of onion derived microsatellites and mining of garlic EST database for assessment of genetic diversity in garlic. Acta Hort. 969: 289-295.

 Khar A, Masaye S, Gopal J. 2012. Farmers Friendly Technologies in Horticulture-Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research. In: Souvenir of the Fifth Indian Horticulture Congress - 2012 -An International Meet on "Horticulture for Food and Nutritional Security", November 6-9, 2012, held at PAU, Ludhiana, New Delhi, pp. 112-116.

 Aslam M, Grover A, Sinha VB, Fakher B, Pande V, Yadav PV, Gupta SM, Anandhan S, Ahmed Z.2012. Isolation and characterization of cold responsive NAC gene fro Lepidium latifolim. Mol Biol rep.(in Press)

 Bhoyar MS, Mishra GP, Naik PK, Murkute AA,Srivastava RB. 2012. Genetic variability studies among natural populations of Capparis spinosa from cold arid desert of trans-Himalayas using DNA markers. National Acad. Sci. Lett.,35:505-515.

 Gupta AJ, Verma TS. Bhat R, Mufti S. 2012. Studies on genetic variability and character association in temperate carrot. Indian J. Hort., 69:75-78.

 Gupta N, Rathore M, Goyary D, Khare M, Anandhan S, Pande V, Ahmed Z. 2012. Marker-free transgenic cucumber expressing Arabidopsis CBF1 gene confers chilling stress tolerance. Biologia Plantarum 56:57-63

 Kadian MS, Luthra SK, Patel NH, Bonierbale M, Singh SV, Sharma N, Kumar V, Gopal J, Singh BP. 2012. Identification of short cycle, heart-tolerant  potato (Solanum tuberosum) clones for the semi-arid agro-ecology. Indian J. Agr. Sci., 82:814-818.

 Kumar J, Mishra GP, Murkute AA, Phanikumar G, Naik PK, Srivastava RB. 2012. Exploring generic relationships in Artenisia species growing in trans- Himalayan cold arid desert using RAPID markers. Indian J. Hort., 69:239-245.

 Kumar R, Gopal J, Panday SK. 2012. Genetic improvement for yield and tuber size in andigena potatoes (Solanum tuberosum subsp. Amdogena ) after one cycle of recurrent selection. Indian J. Agri. Sci., 82:885-888.

 Patil VU, Gopal J. Singh BP. 2012. Improvement for bacterial wilt resistance in potato by conventional and biotechnological approaches. Agricultural Res., 1:299-316.

 Singh RK, Singh S, Pandey P, Anadhan S, Goyary D, Pande V, Ahmed Z. 2012. Construction of cold induced subtracted cDNA library from Cicer microphyllum and transcript characterization of identified novel wound induced gene. Protoplasma. (in press)

 Tiwari J, Gopal J, Singh BP; 2012. Marker-assisted selection for virus resistance in potato: options and challenges. Potato J., 39:101-117.

 Uchinoa H, Iwamaa K, Jitsuyamaa Y, Ichiyamma K, Sugiuraa E, Yodatea T,  Nakamuraa S, Gopal J. 2012. Effect of interseeding cover crops and fertilization on weed suppression under an organic and rotational cropping system 1.  Stanility of weed suppression over years and main crops of potato, maize and soyabean. Field crop Res., 127:9-16.

 Warghat AR, Bajpai PK, Murkute AA, Sood H, Chaurasia OP. Srivastava RB. 2012. Genetic diversity and population structure of Dactylorhiza hatagirea (Orchidaceae) in cold desert Ladakh region of India. J. Medicinal Plants Res.,6:2388-2395.

 Technical Bulletin:

 Mahjan V, Khar A. Gupta AJ, Gopal J. 2012. Onion and Garlic Varieties of DOGR. Technical Bulletin No. 20, Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Punes,9p.

 Gupta AJ, Negi KS. 2012. Exploration and collection of Allium germplasm from Sikkim and West Bengal. DOGR News., 16:2-3.

 Murkute AA. 2012. Evaluation of onion varieties in ambient storage. DOGR news., 16:2-3.

 Anandhan S. 2012. Prospectus in inbred development in onion (A. Cepa) through induction of haploids. DOGR News.,16:2.

 Jytantimala BR. 2012. Ceranisum Sp.-A new parasitoid of onion thrips(T. Tabaci L.) DOGR News.,16:2.

 Book chapter:

 Singh BK, Gupta AJ, Singh L. 2012. Improvement of faba bean (vicia faba L.) In : Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) A Potential Leguminous Crop of India (Eds. Singh AK and Singh BP). ICAR RC for Eastern Region, Patna. 119-141.


 Joshi N, Ravindran A, Mahajan V. 2011. Investigations on chemical mutgen sensitivity in onion (Allium Cepa L.). International J. Botany. 7(3):243-248.

 Khar A, Banerjee K, Jadhav M, Lawande KE. 2011. Evaluation of Indian garlic ecotypes for allicin and other allyl-thiosulphinates. Food Chemistry. 128:988-996.

 Tripathi PC, Sankar V, Mahajan V, Lawande KE. 2011. Response of gamma irradiation on post harvest losses in some onion varieties. Indian J. Horticulture. 68(4):556-560.

 Kamala V, Gupta AJ, Sivaraj N, Pandravada SR, Sunil N, Varaprasad KS and Lawande KE. 2011. Diversity analysis of onion germplasm collections  from Northern Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh. Indian journal of plant Genetic resources 24(2):163-171.

 Book chapter:

 Lawande KE and Gawande SJ. 2011. Producton of Disease Free Quality Seed of Onion and Garlic In: Production of disease Free Quality Planting Propagated through Tubers and rhizomes Eds:B. P. Singh, V. K. Dua and Brajesh Singh. Published by CPRI, Shimla, pp48-52.

 Technical bulletin:

 Sankar V. And KE Lawande 2011. A film on Micro irrigation in Onion and Garlic-Drops of Life-DVD


 Gawande SJ, Khar A, Lawande KE. 2010. First report of Iris Yellow Spot Virus on Garlic in India. Plant Disease. 94(8):1066. 

 Sankar V, Lawande KE. 2010. Effect of mother clove size on growth, yield, quality and storage life of garlic. J. Maharashtra Agric. Univ. 35(1):82-85.

 Tripathi PC, Sankar V, Lawande KE. 2010. Influence of micro irrigation methods on growth, yield and storage of rabi onion. Ind. J. Hort. 67:61-65.

 Lawande KE. 2010. Impact of Climate Change on Onion and Garlic Production. In Challenges of Climate Change-Indian Horticulture, HP Singh, JP Singh and SSLal(Eds).Westville Publishing House , New Delhi. P100-103.

 Khar A, Lawande KE and Negi KS.2010. Micorsatellite marker based analysis of genetic diversity in short day tropical Indian onion and cross amjplification in related Alliums spp. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. Doi 10.1007/s10722-010-9616-y.

 Thangasamy A. Sankar V and Lawande KE 2010. Integrated nutrienft management in onion nd garlic. Indian journal of fertilizers. 6(11):100-109

 Book Chapter:

 Mahajan V. 2010. Improved Varieties of Onion in “Kandyhyachi Sudharit Lagwad Va Beejoutpadan” by Dr. J. A. Patil, Krishi Granth Bhandaran Prakashan, 28-41,2011.

 KE Kawande. 2010. Published book chapter entitled, Impact of Climate Change on Onion and Garlic Production. In: Challenges of Cljimate Change Indian Horticulture, Editors:Hp Singh, JP Singh and SS Lal, punlished by Westville Publishing House, New Delhi, pp.100-103,2010.

 Technical bulletin:

 Gujpta AJ and Lawande KE. 2010. Nutraceutical importance of onion and garlic. Technical Bulletin No. 19 published by Directorate of onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune. Pp.16.

 Qureshi AA, Lawande KE and Thangasamy A. 2011.Diagnosis and management of nutrient deficiency in onion and garlic. Technical Bulletin No. 16. Second Edition.


 Lawande KE, Khar A, Mahajan V, Srinivas PS, Sankar V, Singh RP. 2009. Onion and garlic research in India. J. Horticultural Sciences. 4:91-119.

 Sankar V, Veeraragavathatham D, Kannan M. 2009. Effect of organic farming practices on post harvest storage life and organoleptic quality of yellow onion (Allium cepa L.). Ind. J. Agric. Sci. 79:36-42.

 Sankar V, Veeraragavathatham D, Kannan M. 2009. Post harvest storage life of onion (Allium cepa L.) influenced by organic farming practices. Asian J. Hort. 4:16-20.

 Sankar V, Veeraragavathatham D, Kannan M. 2009. Studies on organic farming practices in white onion. Journal of Ecofriendly Agriculutre. 4(1):17-21.

 Mahajan V, Jakse J, Havey MJ, Lawande KE. 2009. Genetic fingerprinting of onion cultivars using SSR markers. Ind. J. Hort. 66(1): 62-68.

 Tripathi PC, Lawande KE. 2009. A new Gadget for Onion grading. In AG Journal Vol. 90.

 Khar A. Lawande KE and A Asha Devi. 2009. Biotechnological approaches in garlic (Allium sativum L.)-Past Present and Future. In Malik CP, Wadhwani Chitra and Kaur B(eds.). crop Breeding and Biotechnology. Aavishkar Publications, Jaipur,Rajasthan, India.


 Srinivas PS, Qureshi AA, Lawande KE. 2008. Growth stage susceptibility of onion (Allium cepa L) and its role in thrips management. Indian J. Agri. Sci. 78(1): 98-101.

 Sankar V, Lawande KE, Tripathi PC. 2008. Effect of micro irrigation practices on growth and yield of onion. Ind. J. Agr. Sci. 78(7): 584-588.

 Sankar V, Lawande KE, Tripathi PC. 2008. Effect of micro irrigation practices on growth and yield of garlic. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops. 17(3): 230-234.

 Sankar V, Veeraragavathatham D, Kannan M, Prakashan V, Subbiah K. 2008. Studies on organic practices on growth and yield of onion. J. Maha. Agric. Univ. 33(2):255-257.

 Sankar V, Veeraragavathatham D, Kannan M. 2008. Studies on organoleptic evaluation of organically produced white onion. Allium Newsleter. 17: 1-6.

 Sankar V, Veeraragavathatham D, Kannan M. 2008. Post Harvest Storage life of white onion influenced by organic farming practices. Allium Newsletter. 17: 45-54.

 Verma VD, Pradheep K, Khar A, Negi KS, Rana JC. 2008. Collection and Characterization of Allium Species from Himachal Pradesh. Ind. J. of Plant Gent.Res. 21(3): 225-228.

 Khar A, Devi A, Lawande KE. 2008. Analysis of genetic relationships among Indian garlic (Allium sativum L.) cultivars and breeding lines using RAPD markers. Ind. J. Gen. 68: 52-57.

 Khar A, J Jakse and MJ Havey.2008.Segregations for onion buln colors reveal that red is controlled by at least three loci. J.Amer.Sox. Hort. Sci. 133 (1):42-47.

 Lawande KE and V Mahajan. 2008. “Lahasun Ki Kheti” in Hindi book edited by IIVR entitled “Subjiyo ki  kheti”.

 Mahajan V and KE Lawande. 2008. “Pyaj Ki Kheti” in Hindi book edited by IIVR entitled “Subjiyo ki kheti”.

 Mahajan V and KE Lawande. 2008. Lahasun ki kheti in Hindi book Sabjiyo ki Aadhunik Utapadan Taknique, Eds. Rai et al., IIVR, International Book Distributiing Co. Publishing Division, Varanasi, 297-307.

 KE Lawande and V Mahajan. 2008. Pyaj Ki Kheti in Hindi book “Sabjiyo Ki Aadhunik Utpadan Taknique, Eds. Rai et al., IIVR, International Book Distributing Co. Publishing Division,Varanasi, 308-331.


 Srinivas PS, Lawande KE. 2007. Seedling root dip method for protecting onion plants from thrips. Indian J. Pl. Protection. 35(2): 206-209.

 Srinivas PS, Lawande KE. 2007. Managing Iris yellow spot virus: a new threat to onion production. Indian Hort. 52(6): 16-17

 Khar A, Asha Devi A, Mahajan V, Lawande KE. 2007. Stability analysis of some elite lines of onion in late kharif (Rangda season). Indian J. Hort. 64(4):415-419.

 Asha Devi A, Khar A, Lawande KE. 2007. Genotypic response of short day Indian Garlic (Allium sativum L.) accessions to shoot multiplication. J. Spices Aromatic Crops. 16(1): 15-21. 

 Krishna Prasad VSR, KE Lawande and V Mahajan. 2005. Performance and diversity pattern in the land races of Allium cepa L. Indian J. Pl. Genet. Res. 18(3):217-274

 Tripathi PC, V Sankar and KE Lawande. 2007. Medicinal and therapeutic value of garlic. Spice india (In press).

 Tripathi PC and Lawande KE. 2007.Lahsun ki unnat kheti. Phal Phool (In press)



 Srinivas PS, Lawande KE. 2006. Maize (Zea mays) barrier as a cultural method for management of thrips in onion (Allium cepa). Indian. J. of Agricultural Sciences. 76(3):167-171.

 Krishna Prasad VSR, Lawande KE, Mahajan V, Khar A. 2006. Assessing and prediction of environmental response of short day onion genotypes grown in three seasons of western India. In Indian J. Hort. 63(3): 270-275.

 Khar A, Asha Devi A, Mahajan V, Lawande KE. 2006. Genetic divergence analysis in elite lines of garlic (Allium sativum L.). J. Maharashtra Agr. Univ. 31(1): 52-55.

 Khar A, Asha Devi A, Mahajan V, Lawande KE. 2006.  Genetic diversity analysis in elite lines of late kharif (rangda) onion. J. Maharashtra Agr. Univ. 31(1): 49-52.

 Khar A, Asha Devi A, Mahajan V, Lawande KE. 2006.  Genetic divergence analysis in elite lines of late kharif (rangda) onion. J. Maharashtra Agr. Univ. 31(1): 52-55.

 Jernej J, Telgmann A, Jung C, Khar A, Melgar S, Cheung F, Town CD, Havey MJ. 2006. Comparative sequence and genetic analysis of asparagus BACs reveal no microsynteny with onion or rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 114:31-39.

 Qureshi AA, Lawande KE. 2006.  Response of onion (Allium cepa) to sulphur application for yield, quality and its storability in S-deficient soils.  Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 76(9): 535-537.

 Krishana Prasad VSR, KE Lawande and V Mahajan. 2006. Performance and diversity pattern in the land races of Allium cepa L. Indian J. Plant Genet. Res. (In Press)

 Tripathi PC and KE Lawande. 2006. Effect of cold storage and gamma-irradiation on storage losses in garlic. J.Spices Arom. Crops(In Press).

 Tripathi PC and KE Lawande. 2006.Pyaj ke bhandaran ke liye naveentam bhandargrih, suvidha. Phal Phool, May-June:3-5,10.

 Tripathi PC, V Sankar and KE Lawande. 2006. Micro-Irrigation in onion and garlic. Phal Phool. September October:11-13.

 Lawande KE and V Mahajan. Pyaj Ki Kheti. In: Subjiyo ki kheti. (Eds. Mathura Rai et al.), Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi. (In press).

 Mahajan V and KE Lawande. Lahasun Ki Kheti. In:Subjiyo ki kheti.(Eds. Mathura Rai et al.), Indian Institute of Vegetable Reseach, Varanasi.(In press).

 Srinivas PS, KJ Srivastava and KE Lawande. 2006.Status and prospects of integrated pest management strategies in selected crops: Onion and Garlic. In: Integrated Pest Management Principles and Applications. Vol.2: Applications.(Eds. Singh A. Sharma OP and Garg DK).Pp393-424.



 Sankar V, Lawande KE, Qureshi AA, Tripathi PC. 2005. Effect of bio-power and bio-force application on growth and yield of onion. Orissa Journal of Horticulture. 33(1): 4 -7.

 Krishna Prasad VSR, Lawande KE, Mahajan V. 2005. Performance and diversity pattern in the land races of Allium cepa L. Indian J. Pl. Genet. Res. 18(3):217-274.

 Khar A, Bhutani RD, Yadav N, Chowdhury VK. 2005. Effect of explant and genotype on callus culture and regeneration in onion (Allium Cepa L.). AKDENIZ UNIVERSITY ZIRAAT FAULTESI DERGISI. 18(3): 397-404.

 Khar A, Yadav RC, Yadav N, Bhutani RD. 2005. Transient gus expression studies in onion (Allium cepa L.) and garlic (Allium sativum L.). AKDENIZ UNIVERSITY ZIRAAT FAULTESI DERGISI. 18(3): 301-304.

 Khar A, Mahajan V, Asha Devi A, Lawande KE. 2005. Genetical studies in elite lines of garlic (Allium sativum L.). J. Maharashtra Agr. Univ. 30 (3): 277-280.

 Khar A, Bhutani RD, Yadav N. 2005. In vitro studies on multiple shoot induction in onion. Ind. J. Hort.  62 (1): 94-95.

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