DOGR offers training to agricultural and horticultural officers, onion growers and traders on the following aspects of onion and garlic.
- Production technology of onion and garlic
- Improved varieties and hybrids
- New agro-techniques
- Pest and diseases management
- Integrated Nutrient Management
- Precision Farming
- Post-Harvest Management and Value Addition
- Marketing and trade
- Scientific cultivation of onion and garlic
Contact Director, ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune for further information.
Tentative budget for three days farmers/officers training programme
S. No. |
Particulars |
Amount(Rs.) for 20 farmers |
Amount (Rs.) for 25 farmers
1. |
Training material @ Rs. 450/- per head |
9000.00 |
2. |
Accommodation charges @ Rs. 50/- per head per day |
3000.00 |
3. |
Food charges @ Rs. 200/- per head per day |
12000.00 |
4. |
Honourarium to Course Director, Co-Course Director, Resource persons, staff, etc |
21000.00 |
21000.00 |
5. |
Contingency for AV aids, stationery, field visits, etc |
5000.00 |
6. |
Institutional charges @ 10 per cent of total expenditure |
5000.00 |
Total |
55000.00 |
Travelling charges of the farmers/officers for ‘to and fro’ are not included in the budget.
Please send DD in favour of ICAR Unit, DOGR drawn at SBI, Rajgurunagar. Online payment facility is also available on ICAR Unit, DOGR Account No.31078987029. IFSC code: SBIN0000410. Please mention details while making online payment.
(Shailendra S. Gadge)
Senior Scientist, Agricultural Extension
ICAR-DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune – 410 505