Effect of Salicylic Acid (SA) on Incidence of Purple Blotch (Alternaria porii) in Onion (Allium cepa L.)

M. Pradhan, P. Tripathy, P. Mandal, B.B. Sahoo


Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the most important commercial crops not only in India but also in the world. The lower productivity of Indian onion is primarily due to cultivation of low yield potential varieties having susceptibility to both biotic and abiotic factors. Among the various biotic factors, purple blotch (foliar disease) is the most devastating disease observed in onion crops. A field experiments was conducted to study the efficacy of salicylic acid (SA) towards induced tolerance to disease in onion during rabi, 2013-14. Onion seeds variety Agrifound Light Red seedlings were sprayed with salicylic acid @ 250mg l-1 of water at 30 days after sowing (DAS) subsequent spray at 30, 45 &/or 60 days after transplanting (DAT) except the control treatment. The results revealed that invariably exogenous application of SA significantly reduced the incidence of purple blotch disease as compared to their control plots, without application of SA, which clearly demonstrated the efficacy of SA towards induced tolerance to disease in onion. The results revealed significantly minimum incidence of purple blotch in T5 (65.80 %) and was statistically at par with T4 (66.60 %) than rest of the treatments (67.60 to 76.10 %). It may be concluded that foliar spray of SA @ 250mgl-1 at 30 DAS during nursery stage, subsequently 2nd spray at 30 DAT and 3rd spray at either 45 or 60 DAT during crop growth stage not only minimized the loss due to purple blotch disease but also maximized bulb yield (277.19 to 290.91 qha-1) in onion.


Onion, Puple boltch, Salicylic acid

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