Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advancement in Rabi Onion (Allium cepa L.)

P. Tripathy, B.B. Sahoo


Among various factors affecting the low productivity of Indian onion, development of season suitable varieties plays an important role. The information on magnitude of variability and extent of heritable is highly essential in order to enhance the efficiency of selection of suitable genotype (s) for cultivation in different seasons. Keeping this in view, the present investigation was conducted. Invariably, the higher values for all the characters for phenotypic coefficient of variation with respective genotypic coefficient of variation denoting the impact of environmental factors towards their expression to certain extent.  Moderate to high heritability with moderate to high genetic advance were manifested by traits average bulb weight (81.58 and 44.91), total bulb yield (86.99 and 76.00), marketable bulb yield (89.59 and 98.56) and percent of doubles (86.58 and 155.36), respectively, which can be attributed to additive gene action, hence improvement could be achieved by adopting simple selection methods. Similarly, moderate to high heritability coupled with low to moderate genetic advance were expressed by percent marketable bulbs (89.92 and 29.72), polar diameter (53.19 and 12.09), and TSS (48.20 and 9.26) indicating non-additive gene action, hence simple phenotypic selection will not be very effective for the improvement of rabi onion through these traits.


Rabi onion, Genetic variability, GCV and PCV, Heritability, Genetic advance

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